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Law's POV
It was late, the day before Zoro's birthday party when I got the call.
"Hello?" I answered my phone sleepily.
"It's Luffy, I need you to get your ass over here right now." Luffy sounded serious, and I could hear crying on the other side of the phone. Whatever happened, couldn't be good.
"I'll be there in 15 minutes, you guys still live at the same place?"
"Yeah, make it 10." Luffy hung up.
I knew I didn't have time to get dressed, but I wanted to look somewhat presentable. I had tried to grab whatever was laying on my floor, but I very quickly found the shirt Kidd was wearing on our last night. I ended up throwing on a tight black long-sleeved shirt and a pair of ripped jeans, along with my hat and a pair of black and white converse.
I went a bit over the speed limit, but I didn't care. Luffy rarely sounded that serious, and I knew I needed to get here fast. I knew the route to his house by heart, so I knocked on the door, which was opened by a very tired looking Sabo.
"Hey, it's been a while, man." Sabo was the nicer of the two elder brothers, and he pulled me into a hug. "Luffy's in his room, I'll be out here if you guys need anything." Sabo said. I took off my shoes, and gave him my thanks. To be honest, I regretted my choice of outfit as I was quite literally freezing in Luffy's house, but I quickly made my way to Luffy's room, and the door was opened before I could even knock.
Nami was sitting on the floor of Luffy's room, crying, with tissues all around her. She was wearing one of Luffy's shirts, and it was way too big on her.
"First of all," Luffy said "hi, it's great to see you. You look cold, are you cold?" I nodded and he threw one of my hoodies at me which I took very gratefully, scared for whatever he has to say next. "Second of all, I know you aren't with him anymore, but your asshole of an ex-boyfriend thinks it's okay to call my friend here a slut. Him and his sad excuse for friends have been ganging up on her, and I just can't stand people like that. They piss me the fuck off." Nami winced at his language, and Luffy apologized quickly before continuing. "Anyways, I don't know about you, but I'm real tired of his bullshit. Also," Luffy reached into his pocket for his phone. "he's threatening to post these." I blushed a deep red. Of course he'd taken photos of me that night. I wanted to beat him up. Not only for how he treated me, but how he was treating the Straw Hats. It was just a lot harder to look tough when the person you were talking to had seen you naked countless times.
"He's a serious asshole." I mumbled.
"You're telling me." Luffy agreed.
I realized I still had my right airpod in, and I felt like a bit of an asshole before reaching to take it out. I heard Luffy sigh.
"She's asleep." He mumbled, and he picked her up and placed her on his bed, before placing his straw hat on her chest, and tucking her in. I watched silently, wondering what my place here was. Obviously it was better to tell me about this in person, but it probably could've waited until the morning. I was very abruptly pulled out of my thoughts whenever I felt him drop into my arms. He was tired. I wrapped my arms around him, and my body failed me as my legs sort of sunk beneath me.
Luffy laughed quietly. "I guess we're sleeping on the floor, then" he said with with smile. I pulled out my phone to text Bepo that I wouldn't be home until late as Luffy left to grab a couple pillows and blankets from the living room.
"Traffy?" Luffy said rather seriously. We were sitting in one of the bath-tubs at Kidd's big ass mansion. He had thrown a party, and whilst everybody was invited, we weren't very amused with it.
"Yeah?" I responded in a quiet voice.
"Why'd you stop sitting with us at lunch?" Luffy sounded kind of small, and I hated myself for doing this to him.
"I sit with Kidd and his friends now." I said matter-of-factly.
"He's a dick." I was suprised at Luffy's language, but he showed no sign of remorse.
"Watch it, I'm dating that 'dick'" I say.
"I don't understand why. You and I both know you could have anybody you wanted, so why him?"
"It's complicated," I hiss. "you wouldn't understand."
"Then let me." Luffy sat in my lap now, and he cupped my face with his hands. They were warm. I wanted to kiss him so badly. To let his lips make everything feel better.
"I'm sorry." I said, and I pushed him off of me. And as I was walking out, I heard him yell my name, but I kept walking anyways.
End of Flashback
My eyes shot open, and I felt the boy in my arms breathing quietly and I heard the girl in his bed sniffling. I tightened my grip on Luffy slightly, but not enough to wake him up. I notice Nami still sniffling, so I move Luffy slightly and walk over to the edge of his bed, where Nami lays hugging the straw hat they're so infamous for close to her chest.
"Hey," I said quietly.
She was full on crying now, "What do you want? You're not here for me."
I flinch slightly. "I know he's an asshole. He has no right to call you anything, I swear we'll make him pay." I say as my fingers tighten around the fabric of my pants. Nami stops crying for a second, and I suddenly feel her wrap her arms around my neck. I hated that Kidd had this much power, and I gently hugged her back.
"Thank you." She said quietly, wiping her eyes with her hands. She seemed embarrassed at the sudden show of feelings, and I just smiled at her as I stood up and walked back to Luffy.
"I knew you weren't a bad guy." Luffy whispers, startling me.
"I just feel responsible is all." I answer. Luffy tilts my head down and looked at my lips.
"May I?"
"I thought you said no kissing, and wouldn't I be your first?"
Luffy smiled. "I said unless the situation calls for it, and you look like you need a kiss. Plus, I used to kiss Nami all the time. It's friendly, not romantic." Luffy said this like it changed everything, but who was I to argue with a kiss?
Just like this, Luffy kissed me on the lips. It was quick, but his lips were soft and warm and I found myself wishing I could stay in this kiss forever. Tomorrow would be a good day.

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