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Law's POV 


It had been a couple weeks since everything, and while we were sad we wouldn't have any parties at Kidd's big ass mansion anymore, we were happy.

It was also new years eve, and I was happier than I'd been in three years.

Maybe in forever.

I heard a knock on the door as Sabo opened it to wake us up. Per usual, I was pulling Luffy infinity closer into me. 

"you two need to get up at some point, Ace wants to hang out before we go our separate ways for the year." 

Luffy groaned, but he sat up anyways.

"You're so pretty." I blurted out.

He blushed and gave me a loving kiss on the lips. The kiss felt different somehow.

Good different.


We spent the afternoon of New Years eve with Luffy's brothers, playing various games.

Ace won Monopoly, Sabo won dominoes, Ace won poker, Luffy won Uno, I won Life.

Until 7PM rolled around, and it was time to shower and get ready to see the Straw Hats.

"Do you want to shower together?" Luffy shyly asked.

I didn't answer, but I left the bathroom door open, inviting him in.

Luffy had some strange fascination with my tattoos, and let's just say the shower was well needed after certain events went down.


"Traffyyyy, hurry up! We're going to be late."

I sighed. "We're always late, Lu." I straightened my tie for what felt like the millionth time. "Plus, I don't want to look homeless."

"Uh, mi amor, you are homeless." 

"I practically live here, half my stuff is here. Plus, if home is where the heart is I'm definitely not homeless." I countered.

"Ew. barf." Nami commented. She was on facetime with Luffy helping us pick our outfits. "Hurry up Trafalgar, I need to see if I'm a genius or if I'm a genius."

I walked out of the bathroom and Luffy's eyes widened as Nami smiled.

"I knew it, I'm a genius. Anyways, I need to dress the twink, and then Zoro, and then make sure Usopp looks presentable. Such a shame being so pretty, I'll see you two love birds later! and for the love of god don't be late, love you Lu, bye!"

"Well," Luffy begun, "since we have time to spare..." 

I laughed. "We literally just did. We're not doing it again tonight."

"Such a shame. How about just a kiss?"

I smiled, and he stood on his tippy toes to give me one, immediately wrapping his arms around my neck, and I wrapped my arms around his waist pulling him closer to me. He pulled away first, and we stayed like that for a bit.

"We should start heading to the bar." I said after a while, and he nodded.


It was normal for the Straw Hats to rent out this bar, as Zoro went there quite often and it was big enough for parties.

We (illegally) set off many fireworks, almost getting blown up multiple times in the process. We shared drinks, stories, firsts, lasts.

Everything I always dreamed of.

I was so glad I thought of the idea to 'fake date' Luffy, I needed these people back in my life so badly.

"TEN!" People called from all over, couples panicked to put down drinks and get ready to share first kisses of the new year.

"NINE!" Someone set off a firework by accident, causing the place to erupt with laughter and slight panic.

"EIGHT!" Someone got into a fight and was quickly broken up by Zoro and Usopp.

"SEVEN!" Luffy reached up and took off my tie.

"You look stupidly cute all formal like this, I don't think I'll make it to 12 if you keep that on."

"SIX!" Luffy didn't move his arms from around my neck, and I had mine lightly on his hips.

"FIVE!" We all took one final drink of the year, even Chopper who didn't drink had a small shot (that was 98% water)

"FOUR!" People started crying. More notably Franky and Brook.

"THREE!" Sanji took one last hit of his cigarette before putting it out, ready to light another one after he shared a kiss with Zoro.

"TWO!" Luffy smiled at me, and I don't think I've ever been more in love.

"ONE, HAPPY NEW YEAR!" People clapped, and shared their kisses.

I immediately pulled Luffy closer into me, and he pulled me down into the kiss, kissing more greedily than he had since we had our first kiss two months ago.

I heard the sound of a lighter and I knew Sanji was smoking again.

I heard the sound of a cork popping and I knew a new bottle had been opened for Zoro and Nami.

I heard a firework go off and I knew Usopp had set it off.

Luffy pulled away and smiled at me,

I swear I could drunk just off of that smile.

"How do you feel about leaving and heading back to the house? It's empty." Luffy said.

"I think I'd like that a lot."


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