EXTRA 01 | a very special halloween oneshot

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i know it's after halloween, but it's testing season for me so I've been busy(im also behind on chapters) so just appreciate this.

it takes place before law dated kidd,

and will be one of the last flashback heavy chapters

also i turned auto caps off so expect my writing to flow a bit differently 

enjoy :)


Law's POV


i don't know why i go along with what this idiot says, but he somehow got me to match halloween costumes with him for this party. it was one of the few times where a party wasn't thrown at luffy's or kidd's house, but instead it was help by one of our upperclassmen, and sabo's girlfriend, koala.

and apparently, our friend franky was finally proposing to robin.

anyways, i think i've mentioned that i hate parties, and i really truly do. it's just that i know by the end of it zoro and sanji will be drunk off their asses, and nami probably will be too. usopp and luffy don't usually drink, and i don't either so we're the ones who have to take care of them after.

well, zoro drinks too much to be drunk half the time, but nonetheless.


our halloween costumes were uncomfortable, and tighter than i was used to. they were my actual clothing size, but i was so used to baggy clothes it just felt wrong. not to mention monet was practically drooling all over me.

and of course,

when nami gets drunk we have to play truth or dare.

"truth or dare!" nami drunkenly calls out, and per usual everyone gathers around.

she put a bottle in the middle and it lands on zoro, who rolls his eyes dramatically.

"dare." he says with a yawn

"i dare you to... buy me whatever i want next time we go shopping" even in a drunk state of mind, the cat burglar was obsessed with berries.

he again rolled his eyes at the ginger, and went to spin the bottle.


the game continued like this, until two major things happened

1. someone dared chopper to graffiti something on the side of a hospital, i don't know why he did it, and he almost got arrested. which i still think is the stupidest thing anyone has ever almost gotten arrested for.

2. the game scattered for a moment for smoke and bathroom breaks, while usopp and nami got to work rigging the game so the bottle would land on franky. i have no clue how this was done because i was out smoking with sanji, and ace sat on the rail of the porch making out with marco.

when we returned, nami spun the bottle, and it landed on franky.

"come on nami, give me a super dare!" he does his typical pose, and feels his pockets for what i presume to be a ring.

"i dare you to confess your love for robin" she says this with a smile, and various aws and oos are heard from the circle as everybody falls quiet.

franky walks up to robin and gets down on one knee; she gasps immediately and a big grin appears on her face.

"wowza robin! i've been in love with you for as long as i've known you. you've always been smart, cunning, strong, and beautiful all at once. i fell in love with the way you carried yourself, and then with your super personality. it'd be my honor if you'd do me the super pleasure of marrying you." of course this wasn't said without tears, and as soon as franky started crying the straw hats ran to 'comfort him' and robin took the ring with a kiss.

one eventful halloween party for sure.

anyways, like i said, monet was drooling all over me.

this was the first time i had sex with her,

at this stupid halloween party.

it was my first time with a girl, and i was scared. but i'll spare you the details and just say it wasn't the last time.


the halloween party lasted well into the next day, and it wasn't until about 4AM that everybody started to go home, leaving us to help koala clean up. 

"traffyyy" luffy whined my name

i sighed, completely exhausted.

"did you have fun?"

i smiled. "yeah? was that all you had to say?"

and of course luffy practically fainted into my arms. if he was tired he would sleep. didn't matter where or when.

but it was okay, i was tired too. so rather than leaving, we stayed the night at koala's house.

and i favor this halloween more than any other halloween memory.

why? because it was the first time luffy told me he loved me.

and though he was technically with nami, it will always be significant to me.

the first person besides bepo to ever say they love me.


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