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Law's POV 


It was Christmas eve now, and I was glad to have the day off of school. I was, however, not glad that the colder it was outside the colder it was in here. I was currently curled up into Luffy, and he wrapped his legs around me in turn.

"It's way too cold..." I mumbled.

Luffy hummed a response as he woke up. "Seriously. I better get a heater for Christmas."

I laughed. "That'd be wonderful." I was excited to be spending Christmas with the ASL brothers. On Christmas Eve the family hung out, and on Christmas day the Straw Hats would hang out while Sabo and Ace spent Christmas with Marco and Koala.

"Do you want to go wake up Ace?" Luffy asked against my ear. I inhaled sharply as Luffy put his cold hands underneath my shirt.

"No, let's stay like this a while longer." I felt my breathing sync with his.

"Okay." Luffy whispered.

"Your hands are cold." I mumbled into his neck.

"I know. Your back is warm." 

"I don't feel warm." Luffy began to draw small circles on my back, and the contact made me blush. We stayed like this for a while, perhaps half an hour as we drifted in and out of sleep.

"Traffy" Luffy said softly into my hair.

I hummed a response, and he leaned down to kiss my cheek.

"We need to get out of bed, it's Christmas Eve, and I can smell Sabo cooking it smells yummy." Luffy was practically drooling now, and he popped up to go get ready.

I came up and hugged him from behind, and in the mirror I saw four hickeys trailing down Luffy's jawline.

"Oh my god." I blushed heavily into Luffy's neck. "We should... cover those up..." 

Luffy looked bashfully to the side. "Nami's out of town..." He said quietly. "We'd have to ask Sabo..." 

I pulled Luffy closer to me, and he made a small sound before turning around and lightly cupping my face. He had to stand on his tippy-toes to do so, which caused me to smile softly. Luffy had a pout on his lips, and they were chapped. I leaned down to kiss him, and he quickly kisses back. He wraps his arms around my neck and deepens the kiss. Luffy bites my lip lightly and gently smiles whenever I groan slightly.

Luffy's the first to pull away. "We should stop" He says breathlessly. He melted into my arms for a second as he caught his breath.


In our (Luffy's) excitement to eat breakfast and open presents, we had completely forgotten about the hickeys that littered the entire left side of Luffy's neck. Ace starred blanky for a second, but he then went back to eating his pancakes.

"Is Shanks coming???" Luffy asked excitedly with a mouth full of food.

Sabo smiled. "Don't talk with your mouth full Lu, and yes he's on his way he should be here soon." Luffy did a happy dance in his chair and I smiled.


Shanks arrived, and we gathered around the Christmas tree.

"Open this one first!" Luffy said as he handed me a gift bag. The top of it had a couple pieces of tissue paper, and inside I found every hoodie and sweatshirt he'd ever taken from me, besides the one he was currently wearing. I smiled.

"Must've been a real expensive gift to get. Thank you." I said this sarcastically, but the gift was meaningful and I leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.

" love me, love me not. " - LulawNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ