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Law's POV


We shared a couple more stories to lighten the mood. And I don't remember anything else so I must've fallen asleep. 

I woke up in Luffy's bed, my head in his lap.

"Morning." Luffy said with a small smile tugging at his lips. He was playing mortal combat.

I check my phone to see what time it is, and notice it's only 6AM.

"Why are you awake at 6AM." My voice is low and strained, and I watch a bright red blush appear on Luffy's face.

"I'm just used to waking up early, you can go back to sleep." He said almost breathlessly. I smiled and hummed a response.


I woke up six hours later, and Luffy was now happily eating pancakes while still playing mortal combat. I sat up and leaned my head on Luffy's shoulder.

"I didn't know it was possible to be this tired." I whispered this. I felt like I'd talked too much last night, and really wanted to enjoy a peaceful day where I could be quiet.

"Are we doing anything today?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"We might hang out with Ace and Sabo, but besides that nuh uh." Luffy passed me a plate that had rice balls on it and continued playing his game. He looked really focused and I sighed wishing he ever showed that much interest in studying. This thought made me smile and I kissed him on the cheek.

"HEY!" He yelled out. "you made me lose, I was winning too." Luffy pouted and I felt a smile spread across my face.

"Oops." I ate my rice balls happily, and Luffy finally turned his game off.

"Traffy?" I hummed a response. "What are we?" 

I paused. "I want to eventually...call you my boyfriend. But I did date Kidd for... three years. There's so much I need to do there, and I don't want to go into something just to cut it off or feel... out of place, I guess. So... we're dating I guess?" I blushed as I realized I was ranting. Nobody but Straw Hat Luffy could ever get me to act like that.

"Okay!" He smiled and took a sip of something that I assumed was hot cocoa. He lightly turned my face towards his and then he kissed me. And his lips were warm. I wanted the kiss to last forever. To never stop. To let me forget everything wrong that had happened. When Luffy kissed me, I felt like we were the only two people alive. When he ran his hands through my hair. When he moved from my lips to my neck, and then down to my collarbone as I firmly grabbed his hips and Luffy was raising my shirt and then Ace walked in.

Ace let out a hearty laugh. "My, my. Never thought I'd see my little brother act so controlling." 

"Oh my god." I mumbled under my breath, quickly grabbing a pillow to hide my face.

"DON'T YOU EVER KNOCK???" Luffy yelled, clearly annoyed.

Ace rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah." Sabo came up behind Ace and hugged him from behind.

"It's like, snowing in the living room. Why would you leave me alone, jackass." Sabo said. Before it was known that Ace and Sabo were brothers, they were often shipped because of interactions like this.

"It is not that cold, you'll be fine. Anyways, I came to ask if you wanted to watch Christmas movies with me and Sabo, but clearly you're busy doing something else." Luffy grabbed the pillow I had and threw it at Ace. This quickly turned into rough housing, and Sabo had to pull Ace off of Luffy.

"Give Lu a break, unless you want to talk about when I walked in on you and Marco?" Ace went bright red.

"I could talk about all the times I've walked in on you and Koala..." Ace mumbled under his breath.

"What was that?" Sabo said menacingly.



I sat on the couch with the ASL brothers, as we watched Christmas movies together. I was happy to be spending time with them again.

"Aceee" Luffy whined.

"What do you want, Crybaby" 

"Sabo was right, it IS snowing in here. AND HEY DON'T CALL ME CRYBABY." Luffy pouted, and I pulled him onto my lap.

Ace's POV




god." I whispered under my breath.

"What are you freaking out about?" Sabo inquired, matching my tone.

"Look." I used my pinky finger to point at Law and Luffy. Trafalgar had pulled MY little brother onto his lap, and was placing gentle kisses down his jawline and neck. Luffy sat there bright red fidgeting with his fingers.

"He's not a little kid anymore, Ace. He's almost 20 now, you know." Sabo suggested.

I sighed. "You used to tell me I should go easy on him because he was little."

"That happened ten years ago, Ace..." I heard Luffy make a small sound and he nervously glanced over at us. Sabo was smiling, and I wondered if this is how my little brothers felt when I got with Marco.

"Do you want to go back to your room?" I heard Law mumble into Lu's neck.

Luffy smiled. "That sounds nice."


I heard sounds coming from Luffy's room and felt absolutely mortified.

"I really want to walk in I really want to walk in SABO I NEED TO WALK IN."

"Can't he just have his first time in peace?"

"It's ruining my peace."

"Be happy Lu found somebody. I was worried he was going to end up alone."

"Garp walked in on my first time."

"Oh my god," Sabo went pale. "Dragon walked in on mine..."

"Me walking in would be way less traumatizing."

"Can we not traumatize our beloved little brother? Elf is on, don't ruin the Christmas spirit."

"The Christmas spirit has been ruined long ago. My little brother is having sex a day before Christmas eve."



Law's POV


I'm not really sure how we ended up having sex.

But we did. And every second of it was amazing. I changed the sheets and now sat with Luffy curled up into my side. He was still flushed, and every once in a while his blush would increase.

"You okay?" I said into his hair as I kissed the top of his head. He blushed heavily.

"Ace and Sabo heard.. all of that..." Luffy whispered.

"How do you know?" It was my turn to blush as Luffy turned his phone to show me a link to condoms that Ace had sent him.


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