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Luffy's POV 

"bathtubs" - 2 years ago


Traffy and I regularly hid in bathrooms during parties. Bepo and Chopper would often study instead of party, and I didn't want to leave him alone so I hung out with him. We would sit in the bathtub, and I liked to sit in his lap as he scrolled on tiktok. It felt nice, just the time together. But things were different. He dated Kidd now. He cried so much more, he seemed sadder. I knew Kidd was a shitty person, and I hated seeing Traffy like this.

I wasn't sitting in his lap this time. He was crying in the bathtub, head in his knees, and he wouldn't even let me hug him.

"Just leave me alone. Please." He gasped out through tears. "I don't need you anymore. Please. Please let me be please." He begged. I knew he probably didn't want me to. But I looked at him, heard him plead. I wanted to cry. I knew this was Kidd's doing, and I hated him.

I went home early that night and cried.

Cried so hard I was mad.

Cried so hard Ace and Sabo came running into my room because I was yelling.

Cried until it hurt.

And then I cried some more. Because I knew the end was just around the corner.


A week later, we were at yet another party. I sat in Kidd's bathtub with Law across from me.

"Traffy?" I began.

"Yeah?" He said this quietly, and I could tell he was a bit scared.

"Why'd you stop sitting with us at lunch?" I matched the tone of Traffy's previous statement, thought it was an accident.

"I sit with Kidd and his friends now." Law said matter-of-factly 

"He's a dick." I say snarkily. I really hated Kidd.

"Watch it. I'm dating that 'dick'" I was caught off guard at his hostility. He wasn't usually so... quick to anger.

"I don't understand why. You and I both know you could have anybody you wanted," like me. I thought. "so why choose him?" 

"It's complicated," Traffy hissed. "you wouldn't understand."

I moved myself so I was in his lap, and I cupped his face with my hands, feeling his pulse quicken.

"Then let me." I said, and I looked right into his eyes.

"I'm sorry." I heard Traffy say sadly. He pushed me of him gently, impossibly gently. And he quickly left. 


Law's POV

"goodbye." - 2 years ago 


It was Monday morning, and by now I needed to break things off with Lu...ffy. But he sat next to me. 

"I told you to leave me alone." I said sadly.

"I know, but can I ask you something?"

"One thing, and one thing only." 

Luffy furrowed his brow, and I could tell he was deciding on the right words. If the circumstances weren't so sad I would've laughed.

"Can I at least get a proper goodbye?" He held my hand when he said this, and I squeezed it.

"Goodbye, Luffy."

"Goodbye, Traffy." He stood up and began to walk away, using his straw hat to hide the tears threatening to spill from his eyes. "And Law?" I jumped at the name. "Take care of yourself."


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