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Law's POV


I woke up to the sound of Luffy's heartbeat. It was early, I could tell. Probably just barley 11AM.

"You awake?" I heard a tired Luffy mumble into my hair. It was clear he hadn't gotten much sleep.

"Yeah." I buried my head further into his chest, enjoying the feeling of being held.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked. I could hear the exhaustion seep into his voice.

"Mhm. did you?" My voice was raspy, and I heard Luffy's heart beat raise at the sound of it.

"Not really." He laughed, and I felt bad that he even managed to be this tired. He leaned down and placed a kiss on my head, before deciding to rest his chin softly on my head.

"Let's sleep in." I suggested.

Luffy smiled. "I like the sound of that."




It was late one night. Or early, depending on your perspective. Probably around 4AM.

"Traffy. I'm cold." Luffy said, his voice below a whisper. I hated sleeping at the ASL household. They kept it cold because Ace was always hot. But it was practically snowing in the house, and it didn't help that it was quite literally snowing outside.

"You live here, you should be used to this. You know who would love this? Bepo. You know who hates this? Me." I said annoyed. I was currently curled up into Luffy, shaking against his body. His heart beat was slow and steady.

"Let's go make hot cocoa!" Luffy said excitedly.

"No. Absolutely not. I'm frozen solid. I can't move." I protested.

"You'll move if I get up." Luffy teased.

"Please. I'm comfortable" Luffy stood up anyways, and left to the kitchen. I whined his name as he left, and I could see him smile as he left.

My phone lit up,

Luffy: come to the kitchen <3

I stood up reluctantly, suprised I could even stand. Luffy grabbed my hand and led to me a seat by the bar before he placed a cup of hot cocoa in front of me.

"It's hot." Luffy warned. I was about to say something snarky, but his eldest brother entered the room.

"You're still here, Law?" I nodded. "Don't you have a roommate? You've stayed here all week."

"He's on a trip, he'll be back next week." I responded between sips of hot cocoa. I hated to admit it, but Luffy was right. Hot cocoa really warmed you right up on nights like these. "I wouldn't leave him alone like that. He has separation issues."

"You should invite him over sometime!" Luffy said excitedly.

"I would, but if we're here then we're always either doing homework or sleeping. Neither of those are particularly engaging group activities." Ace just smiled at this interaction, and he pat us both on the head.

"Sleep well, Kiddos." He said before disappearing back into his room.

Luffy grabbed my hand and dragged me back to my bed, placing a quick kiss on my hand.

"Sleep well, try not to freeze to death tonight." Luffy said, and I could practically see the greater than three at the end of his sentence. I hummed a response and let sleep take me away as I lay in the arms of my crush.



I felt Luffy's arms tighten their grip around me, and I realized he'd once again awoken before me.

"You okay?" I asked suddenly, causing Luffy to jump.

"No," he answered truthfully. He was fidgeting and couldn't seem to sit still. "I'm worried about Nami. And I'm scared for Monday." I was taken aback by the phrase 'I'm scared' coming from Luffy. Luffy was a lot of things, and he was definitely very expressive, but scared was something that was never associated with Straw Hat Luffy.

"I'm sure it'll all work itself out fine," I said quietly. He was now sitting in my lap facing me, and I was playing with his hair. "And I wouldn't worry about Nami if I were you. She's a strong girl."

"Law." I heard Luffy say. I flinched. Luffy has never called me by my name before.

"Yes, Luffy?" I answered.

"I really want to kiss you. Yesterday after you told Kidd off I really wanted to kiss you. Everyday before that I wanted to kiss you. This morning when I heard your morning voice I wanted to kiss you. I want to kiss you everyday after today. I know we're supposed to be a fake couple, but you and I both know we have feelings for each other. Did I mention I want to kiss you?" I was suprised by this confession, but I smiled a smile so big my cheeks hurt.

"Then kiss me," I said.

 And he did.

He kissed me softly at first, but it quickly became more passionate. He tangled his hands in my hair and I had my hands under his shirt, feeling how soft and tough his skin was. He bit my lip lightly causing me to gasp in suprise and he stuck his tongue into my mouth, something I never thought I'd like. The kiss continued like this for a while, until he broke away and began kissing my jawline as I panted trying to catch my breath. He was kissing down my neck now, and he kissed a spot on my collar bone causing me to let out a soft moan and then Sabo walked in.

"Hey Lu-" He paused seeing the sight in front of him. His eyes widened, but he smiled. "Oh, you're being gay. Congratulations." Luffy threw a pillow at him. 

"GET OUT!!!"

"HEY!" I heard Ace yell. "DON'T TALK TO YOUR OLDER BROTHER LIKE THAT." I used my hat to cover the bright red blush that was spreading across my face, and I noticed Luffy blushing, which caused my face to go even more red.

"I should get going." I said, quietly excusing myself.

"SEE WHAT YOU DID???" Luffy yelled at his eldest brother, then he turned to face me. "I'll walk you out." Luffy said with a smile threatening to appear on his lips.


I panted as Luffy pulled away from the kiss we had shared. He wrapped his arms around my torso and sunk into my body.

"You okay?" I asked quietly into his hair.

He hummed in response. "I'm just happy. But also tired. But mainly happy." Luffy said with a small smile. Luffy leaned in to kiss me again.

"Lu, I need to-" He cut me off with his kiss.

"Go home, yes. I know." We were standing in the parking lot by my house, and I noticed him shivering so I took off my hoodie and gave it to him as I got into the driver's seat of my car.

"See you at school?" Luffy asked, playing with the oversized sleeves of my hoodie.

I smiled. "See you at school."


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