Chap 1

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You're a f/a. (Favorite animal). You've been this animal for as long as you can remember. Except you're not really this animal; you're a human forced to take the look of this animal as a virtual reality character. You're not on drugs but you probably need them. You got sick of being lonely 24/7, a sorry sucker, so you decide to join this game where you can supposedly play with other people in virtual reality in this big circus filled with games and fun! At least that's what the description sounded like. You purchased the game for your PC and it came with its own special headset. You skip over any homework you have if you're in school and jump directly in your computer seat, putting the game in and putting on your headset.

     You immediately feel yourself being sucked into this new universe. It's so realistic, once the darkness fades you feel like you directly are being welcomed to the game by this talking set of teeth with eyes... "Caine". Ok you can remember that name. Bubble? Ok. Ragatha? Kaufmo? Did you accidentally buy some kind of educational game? Kinger? Oh I get it because it's a "king" peice. O... my.. what have we here? As soon as you saw the purple rabbit creature give you a quick wink and smirk it was all over. No you're not head over heels in love with him. You hate people who act overly flirty like that and now you have to kick his €##. Hope you got some big feet bc he's a jackrabbit. Jackrabbits have huge feet.

     You didn't pay attention to the rest of the song because you're seething with rage with that purple face going through your mind. 😤. You try to tap the back button on your keyboard bc you have to try and punch him only to feel nothing but air under your hands. You're probably just so distracted by this game you can't properly place your hand over the button. Oh well. Next thing you know you are in the middle of this stage. It's weird because you can't feel the headset on anymore. The VR REALLY became realistic, wow! You look down to see white cartoon gloves (if you want them) on your hands as well as an outfit of your choice that fits into the theme of the game bc I'm too lazy to make one up for you. Wait a minute.. you actually feel like this is you (feel free to use your OC if you have one) You've used VR before but you can still differentiate your real world and in-game selves as well as snatch off the headset with ease if you need to leave your computer. But this isn't looking through the lenses of a VR headset anymore... you're just looking through your eyes. You try to stand up out of your chair only to realize you're already standing. You are walking now... you're INSIDE this game. What?... You can't help but stand and watch as the song finishes.

     "Welcome.. to The Amazing Digital Circus, new human! We are all so very excited to have you joining us!" Caine exclaimed as he put a friendly arm round your shoulder. "Uh, I-  this is all just virtual reality right? Are you guys other players? Do you feel like you're fully immersed in the game or am I just going crazy?" You ask to all. "No, my dear! You have entered a virtual world of play, mystery, excitement, and digital storytelling catered to the fancy of the ever-growing curiosity of the human mind!" You just blink. "You've... kinda sorta been transported to this digital world to stay forever. You can't leave... but that's okay! This place is full of all kinds of excitement!" Ragatha said walking over and swinging her arms in a happy way. "Uh, wait. Wait woah, woah WOAH. No, that's- that's not possible. It's just a game, a computerized game, I mean, nobody's ever gotten trapped in their computer.. ?" You touch your face and arms to feel you've been turned completely digital. "It's real simple, hon. You put on the headset, you quite literally got sucked into this new dimension, and you're gonna be stuck here forever. Not that I'm complainin or anything.." the purple rabbit man glided over to you with a cocky grin and also put a hand over your shoulder. You want to snatch away but your mind is just processing everything and can't tell your body to do so. Sensing the awkwardness, Caine flew up away from you and got in the center of the room, in good view of everyone. "Well, how about I give our new friend here... hey wait... what's your name, kid?" "Uh..." you think and think but nothing comes. This is scary... You begin to panic as your mind races to think of every name you could have possibly had. Your brain hurts from you actually trying to use it for once until you eventually give up. "Aw it's pointless, my dear! No one remembers anything about their past life once they've entered this realm, including their name, so how about we pick one out for you! Unless you have something in mind...?" You close your eyes tight and think for a minute. Jax leans down and whispers something in your ear, immediately causing you to blush. "No way, you sicko!" You exclaim backing up and slapping his hand away. "What on earth did he say? All adult language and inappropriate terms are supposed to be bleeped out at all times due to the vast age range this game is available to!" Caine says in surprise as he zooms down to you. "There are loopholes..." he says smiling smugly. "Oh nevermind him! Caine has a letter wheel he can use to cook you up a fancy schamncy name lickety split! Whaddya say, Caine? Can I do the honors?" Bubble asked with excitement. "Absolutely!" The rectangular box containing five random letter squares suddenly appeared. The bubble creature hopped on the lever, shuffling the boxes until they stopped on kkasg. Everyone cringed in agreement and the lever was pulled again, this time by Caine. Vormi. "Doesn't really suit me.." you say a bit disappointed. "No worries my dear! Let's try try again! Would you like to spin the letters?" Caine stretched out his arms, giving you permission to walk up to the lever...

     You slowly make your way over and grab onto the end. This must really be your new life... complete with a totally new name. You sigh and pull down. Seazh. You're worried the next name might be Jaxes or something so you just keep Seazh. Neato! "This.. is fine." You say pretty much accepting defeat, still absolutely bewildered with confusion and pretty much just walking around and doing whatever you were told you needed to do for this "game". "Welcome to your new life, Seazh!" Caine says enthusiastically. He is the only one showing this emotion except Jax. "So is that pronounced like seize or see as?" He asked walking over to you. Before you can answer he interrupts; "Whatever. Think I'll just call ya sweetheart." He once again wraps an arm over your shoulder. "So, sweetheart, want me to give ya the grande tour?" He put a finger under your chin and tilted your head, grinning down at you. Eye contact always made you nervous, especially when it was in such close proximity to someone. "Actually, Jax, I think I'll be the one giving them the tour, like I always do with new players!" He swoops down and grabs your hand. "Besides I don't trust you!" He plainly states, never losing his positive energy. Before you know it you're being dragged up at the speed of light until you're overlooking the entire circus grounds. This, this view right here, is your new life.

     It's been how many years? Idk I haven't been keeping track. That was your job. Anyway. You've been here a long time. Since you've been here you've seen Zooble, Gangle, and one other person who's name you can't remember enter the game, said last person becoming abstracted. You know all the twists and turns of the entire game. You've been through most every mind jogging game and quest and quite frankly you've gotten very depressed over the past few years. You rarely leave your room and you requested a hand recognition device be programmed and installed into your door, most specifically to keep Jax out knowing he has keys to everyone's room that has a keyhole. You haven't gotten a new player in forever, and every day it's the same thing, at least what you make out to be different days. Days work weirdly around here. You don't even come out to eat dinner anymore, and everyone in the circus is worried about you. They fear you're going down the path to abstraction yourself. Everyone except Caine. He doesn't understand the human concept of feeling sad or depressed, and isn't good at picking up on clues that signal someone's given up, putting them at great risk for abstraction. You don't feel any different and you're not that scared of becoming abstracted, you just miss your old life, at least what you thought you could make it out to be. Being able to create and achieve goals, being around your family, making something of yourself. I'm just kidding. You hated everyone and you weren't good at anything in your previous life (/j) 😊. You might as well make this your eternal resting place. Still.. you can't help but feel something is missing. You suddenly hear a rambunctious knocking at your door. That's only the tenth time today 🙄.

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