Chap 16

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Y'all this song!! 🥰 I love it. I listen to it on repeat. Yes, another chapter! Got it done wayyy quicker than expected! It was fairly easy to write.

     You squeeze the bouquet in your hands, paralyzed. It's Jax. Asking you out. It's not your Jax, but of all the replicated individuals that exist in this parallel universe, he is the one asking you out. Why, oh, why? You haven't even been here a full day, have you? Oh wait, there are no days here. "Please. I know you haven't been here long but you're not going to be here forever. You'll get back home. It's just, you're so..." he has your full attention as you look on. "You're gorgeous. And you seem so sweet. I know I'm.. A.. I... and you're a human, but can't we try?" Your face becomes red hot at his words. Your heart begins freaking out and you feel your stomach starting to churn. This could be the most stressful decision you've had to make up until this point. "I really want to get to know you while I still have the chance." I mean... he understands you're human. He understands you have to leave. He's not trying to form something long term... he just wants one date. Be reasonable. What is the absolute worst that could happen? You know the answer but don't want to think about it. In the end, it doesn't matter if you say yes or no. It's possible the damage is already done.

    "I-ok." You say before you can think any more. "Ok, Jax." You say quietly as he looks at you in shock. "One small date. But nothing serious." You walk over and look him in the eyes. Identical. Purely identical. You will use this as a way to get as much information as you can. You wonder... if he thinks like the other Jax? He sure doesn't act like him... He laughs as his smile grows big and he rushes in, wrapping you in a hug. "Thank you..." he squeezes you tightly. "I've never felt this.. alive.." he quietly says. You laugh nervously as you lightly wrap your arms around him. He lets go and brings his hand down to yours, grabbing hold and gently pulling you to follow him :).

"Oh, so we're doing this now, then?" You sort of ask as he pulls you along, causing him to stop. "Oh, yes. I thought that once you agreed the date began. Am I doing this wrong?" He turned to look at you with a look of panic. "Oh, no, it's just... usually dates take planning. Like you have to figure out where to go, what to do.." He nodded in understanding, still holding your hand. "So where do you want to go and what would you like to do?" You think for a moment. Is this entire world just like your own? Only one way to find out. "I guess I'd just like to explore." He smiles and gently pulls your hand, urging you to follow.

     "Is this what your home looks like?" He asks as you walk through the remainder of the trees. "Yeah. It's identical." Your eyes grow big as you look at all the trees, the grass, and the puffy clouds. You're wracking your brain trying to figure out just why Caine would go through the trouble of recreating the entire circus and it's members. Why would he make AI models of the living circus members instead of original creations? Why did you find the door that led to this place and were you even supposed to? Something tells you you weren't, at least not unsupervised. There is no way Caine would let so many AI beings interact with a human after...

     You look over to your right to see Jax staring at you, obviously. What else is there to pay attention to but you? He almost looks like he's in a trance. Small, goofy smile. Adorable. And scary. His grip on your hand has only tightened, not hurting you of course.
"What?" You playfully tease. He blushes a little as he closes his eyes and laughs. "You. That's what." You tilt your head to the side a little with a goofy smile of your own, prompting him to continue. "You're so concentrated. Like you're studying every pixel." He laughs and you begin alongside him. "Just trying to make some connections." "It's... refreshing. You're so observant, and you seem to love the outdoors as much as I do. I guess that's something we have in common." The comment made you smile a bit awkwardly and blush. "It's been a long time since I've found someone who just surrounds themselves with nature. And you're so curious, and nice, and you seem like you're just someone who... loves with no end." You're a bit taken back. "Wait, you mean that?" He nods his head. "But, what about my anger? Like, I snapped at you earlier.." He shrugs. "I've forgotten about that already. Don't be so hard on yourself. You were scared, and everybody is guilty of getting angry, even the best people." You give him a smile which he returns. "And that smile of yours. You really, really remind me of someone."
You give him a little smirk and poke his side, causing him to laugh. "Who is it? Come on, who?" He lets go of your hand as you begin tickling him, him covering his laughing face with both of his. "Was it somebody you were in looove with?"  You giggle. "No, no, nothing like that.." he takes a deep breath as he regains himself once you end your torture.

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