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Hello, everyone. I know it has been ages since I've even touched this book. So much has happened since then, and that wasn't even a chapter, just a personal update. Some 4 holidays has passed, the first season of Hazbin Hotel has come and gone, the next episode of TADC released, I had a root canal, lost 3 dogs (one pet, two strays I'd become attached to) and I've been struggling greatly with new burdens that come with just starting basic college classes. But I'm not here to talk about real life, I'm here to talk about this book. I didn't call this a big or little update, it's just an update. It is long, but I've been absent for so long, you loyal readers deserve it (disregard that last sentence completely if long updates from authors are torturous for you). I have not abandoned this book, at least not officially, and I don't think mentally. I've thought about this book almost every day, but that's it. I haven't opened it up to write or do anything but read comments when I get notifications. I don't really know where to begin except to say this is NOT a cancellation. I would likely drift away and just never publish another chapter if I ever decided to quit writing. I wouldn't be able to officially let my book go. I poured so many literal days, days after days, into this book. I don't know what happened. I could say burn out, it's there, but there's definitely more than that. I don't want to sob or get too personal so I will just say I have been in an extremely, extremely low place, problems keep arising, and I haven't been able to get myself the energy or positivity that I had 6 months ago. I have not had motivation to do anything, I mean anything except what is required of me right now. I have not written or read anything in a long time (apologies to all my friends who have written new chapters in their books I've had on my list for a while), there haven't been many nights I fall asleep before 4-5 am, and it's just not good in my mind right now. I truly miss feeling so fulfilled when I'd publish a chapter, as well as the pure adoration that came washing in after it. I had gotten discouraged enough (not because of anything on this app) I had made plans to completely abandon my account, but I couldn't bring myself to do it due to the time and effort I'd given this book, as well as my buddies (who I am extremely grateful for) along with every one of you, my followers and readers. But I knew it'd be best not to try and get back into the swing of writing when there's other matters of work and school that need tending to, many days out of every week where I am having thoughts I don't want to be having at all, and I've been taking me-time to make myself relax and enjoy the fading few months before things get super hectic. I will say that with this, along with my upcoming changing schedule, I am not going to be able to update like I used to even if I am motivated. I'm no longer going to be giving time frames as to when new chapters will be out. And while we're on the subject- there're a few things in this book I've decided to change, given I've had time to really think and ponder. First, is your name. Do you guys want me to leave it like it is, change it to plain Y/N, or stick with my plan I had to dig deep and find something special that relates to stars/travel/nature or something like that? I would love finding a name that means something to me, while keeping it gender neutral. That is my main problem. Most names I've searched through in the categories I want sound way too feminine. Secondly- I am going to rewrite the last chapter (possibly the last two). The story will be kept the same, but there is a really good idea I have about doppelgänger Jax's character, that will also help shape your character in the future, that would require me to do some revising, and a few more minor details I want to change (I don't think I am quite ready for that anger to come out in the last scene). This is still in the works in my mind before anything gets put down on the digital paper, but it's just some ideas I can't let go of. Speaking on that subject, I am absolutely enraged with myself for letting my mind forget certain ideas/scenarios I had created for certain chapters. It's been that long. Ideas I wouldn't dare forget that were my literal life have now just become something I'm trying to piece back together from memory. I will admit I am not the same person in about every aspect that I was six months ago. I also want to mention I am NOT going to be strictly following canon, now that episodes are coming out. I'm still very iffy on this. I'm not talking about the recent drama with Jax's character, I am NOT getting into that, but rather the fact that this story is planned out and may not fit with canon. I'll try to write certain chapters where it can be seen that the canon events are happening around us if we are not in the middle of it (for example, the Candy Kingdom Adventure may be going on while you're in loopty world ;)), but that's not a guarantee. Jax will be written how I see his character, mostly based on the pilot since that is what sparked this book, regardless of whether or not you see his character as changed at all in the show. Details like a character abstracting (whom I already have planned for this book, even though GooseWorx stated someone will be abstracting at one point, right!? Please don't quote me on that, I'm terrible with keeping up with her lore announcements 😭, but the chosen person in this book is going to abstract regardless of what happens canonically), the path of events, and characters' personalities/ reactions to these events have already been determined. I am going to go ahead and give a warning that I am going to be touching on a rather sensitive topic in a future chapter. It won't be anything explicit, and it's only going to be brought up once to help develop a character, and a warning will be given at the beginning of the chapter, but it's going to end with a good outcome. You'll see ;). God, I can't wait to explore all this and making this update *almost* makes me want to write again. It's going to be so hard to adapt to writing book reports again instead of actual books. Despite venturing to some pretty dark places mentally, I have become much more peaceful, I guess you could say, in the past few months. I've learned how to deal with some sudden scares, losses, lessons and difficulties that came up since the year began, and it's taught me some things. I found a beautiful new song to zone out to ⬆️ and discovered C Ai with help from a friend...... yeah. :) it's addicting. So I deeply apologize for just giving up for so long. I don't have the highest opinion of myself right now, but I just wanted to let people know why this book that had been given so much love and devotion suddenly halted. I genuinely appreciate your understanding, anyone who's still waiting for updates, and patience. Oh my god, patience. Thanks for reading my rant, I'm definitely thinking of you all and I know you're waiting to see where this book is going. Love you all ❤️ 🐇

OH- about the Christmas update. I'm so sorry. I have permanently put it on hold. If I update something soon, it's going to be the official chapters, so that won't likely get written till next Christmas.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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