Chap 14

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Was really hoping to get this chapter out a couple days ago but a surprise family thing came up so I didn't really get a chance to work on it much then I changed the direction I wanted this chapter to go in altogether but here it is 🤗. I hope this long chapter makes up for the wait!
This is where your fragile mind will finally realize this is going to be a lot more difficult than you had anticipated. All these oddities that have caught your attention is only building up to something... dangerous. Jax's new behavior towards you can only add to this heaping pile of stress. Also, have some more beautiful SU music.

     Hopeful and grateful he probably didn't see your outburst, you play it off as cool as you can and decide to pretend none of that even happened to the best of your ability. You had a minor setback. It's not like you gave him a death threat; you just used one of his old pranks. Harmless, practically. And Jax is making the effort to hang out with you still, that's a good sign! At least you're back to where you started.

     You're biting your lip so hard you're sure it's bleeding as you walk outside, Jax's relaxed stature doing anything but making you feel at ease. You debate trying to apologize yet again but ultimately decide against it for fear of seeming annoying. You'll just wait and see if he starts talking about anything. He hasn't even looked at you since you began your walk. You begin to wonder...
"So, Seazh." He has your full attention as you look over. "How's the room been?" He gives you an overtly friendly smile and large eyes. Odd... question... "uh, fine.. I guess?" "Cool." You stop a minute and watch as he walks on ahead before catching up to him. You look down at the greenery underneath you before looking up
to the never changing sky and around at the identical trees.
It was currently daytime over the lake, the sun's rays sprinkling white glitter over the calm waves. Apart from music, getting outside really helped you get your mind off of things, at least most of the time. Kind of hard to do that when the source of your anxiety is walking right beside you. You keep your sights on your surroundings, not paying attention to the rock that appeared in your path. Your foot makes contact and you have to stop and steady yourself. You manage to not fall in the dirt face first, looking up to see Jax doesn't even seem to have noticed your clumsiness. You sigh in relief and continue your walk, careful to step directly over the stone. There are unfortunately no singing birds or chirping crickets to create a peaceful soundscape in the midst of all this "nature", but you can hear the small splashes of the minuscule waves as they crash onto the shore.
You smile warmly upon remembering all the peaceful adventures of your own you had went on by this lake when everyone else was busy. Preoccupied, you once again fail to notice the object in your path until you're tripping over it, this time "it" being a large pine cone. You can't catch yourself in time. Before you know it, your foot slips on the round cone sending you landing on your back. You didn't fall hard but you fell. You lean up on your elbows and look to Jax, who doesn't seem to have noticed your second clumsy accident, either. You start to feel a bit suspicious... but say nothing and instead get up and continue walking beside him, even closer than before. Jax just kicks another small pine cone away from his feet before looking over at you and grinning, you having to give a small smile of your own as you were already staring.

"Pond's calm today." You point out as you stand at the edge and look over. "Sure is! Care to go for a swim?!" He asks suddenly appearing right beside you, causing you to jump and almost fall in. "Ah! No, no I uh, don't really feel like getting all wet..." he just puts his hands behind his back and keeps his eyes on you as he begins walking around the pond. All you can do is follow, being sure to stay a good ways away from the edge. "Thanks for inviting me to come walk with you, Jax. You know, I had actually planned on asking you to come walking here at this very spot once you got out. Since you got freed kind of early, though, I didn't really have the words I wanted to say.." "You don't say." You scratch the back of your neck and look to the ground. "But, here we are!" "Yep. Here we are.." You're both now standing at the top of the pond, Jax's eyes fixated on your reflections below as yours nervously dart from the sky to the trees and back to the water.

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