Chap 11

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A/N 1: Pretty lengthy chapter ahead*. This scene ⬆️ 😭 😭 iykyk. It's inspired a couple backgrounds for this story though.
I remember first getting the idea of this story thinking I was gonna wrap it up in eleven chapters or so 🤗 ha ha ha. I really want that hot cider from the last chapter. That sounds really good right now... I appreciate everyone for being patient. It warms my heart to see the new chapters get so many reads when they're published ❤️!! Expect a small wait between chapters because we're getting to the more serious stuff so it will take me a while longer to make sure all the chapters are threaded together nicely. Will Jax be brought back at the beginning, 🤩 middle, 😯 or end 🤯 of this chapter? Read and find out! Also I just found out it's indeed abstracted not obstructed. 🙄 🤗That makes Ragatha's face after she starts glitching much more interesting... Oh! I was gonna ask, since Halloween is just a couple days away, is anyone out there dressing up like a TADC character? Lemme know!

You wake up feeling rather sore. Your mattress may not be as comfortable as Pomni's but you've never woken up with such a binding back ache. You sit up and try to stretch the soreness out when you realize you aren't sitting on a mattress at all. Matter of fact, you can't see your familiar walls or any of your furniture. Instead, all you can see around you is a hot pink galaxy, stars of various sizes ranging in color from purple to white to silver dancing everywhere. Is this a dream? You pinch yourself and you are indeed awake. You stand and begin moving your hand across the wall behind you, sort of creating a box around you with four other walls. In front of you is open, and it looks like a hall, bending to the left and made of the same material. "Where... and how?!" You ask yourself. The last place you remember being is propped against that tree. You must have fallen asleep, because you never left for your room. But that still doesn't explain this situation at all...

You're deep in thought when all of the sudden, you're startled by Caine appearing out of nowhere! "Good morning, my dear! How'd you sleep?" You don't even comprehend the question as you begin gesturing all around you with your arms. "Caine, what is this?! Did you do this? Why am I here?" "Quite the little question asker today, aren't we? That's quite alright, my dear!" He flew above you and opened his arms. "This is the Maze of Seven Wonders! You and the six other players have all been placed in a separate part of the maze. You have to work your way through together to make it to the end!" You place a hand over your eyes as you try to remain awake and calm. "Caine, you know I don't really care for going on adventures. I thought that was a choice. Why did you bring me here?" "Well, my dear since you've been getting out and around the others more I figured you'd enjoy this! Also, I sort of already had your maze created.. and I couldn't just leave it empty." You realize there's no point in arguing so you just sigh and ask if there are any rules. "None at all! Go and be free! You can journey through everyone else's maze as can they in yours. Just no being pushy or anything. Have fun!" Before you can say anything else he's gone in a poof. You look around you one last time before groaning in annoyance and starting down the hall.

It's been at least 15 minutes and you haven't gotten anywhere. It's not like you have a choice to go anywhere but forward until you come to a wall that splits into three halls. This should be fun. You glance across the three for a few minutes before you finally decide on... the right hall! You begin the trek for a good ways until you notice a plain wooden door at the end. You walk to it and stop. Obviously you have to open it, you just need to give yourself a few minutes to work up the nerve. This whole place just appeared out of the blue, who knows what's on the other side. You grab the handle and take a deep breath before snatching it open to reveal another hall; but this one's different...

It's walls are clear and full of thousands upon thousands of miscellaneous objects. But they aren't just scattered Willy-Nilly. They are grouped together, in sets. On one side of you, a small collection of nesting dolls (they're actually called Matryoshka dolls, the more you know), and on the other, a set of colorful music bells. You scratch your chin as you continue walking and looking around at the different sets of things. Each set contains only one object... it's often things that come together with other pieces.. it's a collection! Of... collections! There's only one player you know that's obsessed with his various collections of things, yes, even insects, and that's Kinger. This must be Kinger's maze! You begin calling out for him as you continue forward. You suddenly see him at the end of one of the halls, so you run up yelling his name. He doesn't hear you until you're a mere foot from him, when he screams and jumps. He lands sitting as he begins looking around frantically. "Seazh! Oh thank goodness! Thank goodness you're here. I was starting to go a little crazy being here in this maze all by myself."
You just look at him and nod, helping him up. "How long have you been here, Kinger?" He thinks for a moment. "What day is it?" You think it's time to end this conversation and focus on getting out of here. "I think we should probably start moving." "But first, would you look at this.." he pointed to a certain collection mixed into the wall. It was a handful of clay planets varying in size. Some had rings, one looked like a moon, one resembled earth with minuscule, pale orange flowers dotted all over the green. "I don't know why... but these small planets are absolutely amazing..." He leaned closer to the wall with large eyes. You just stand idle, waiting for him to stop. You have to admit, these planets are lovely, but you really want to get out of here. "Ah, yes! The exit! We must find the exit. Uh, to the maze!" He begins marching forward as you follow. You have to make conversation about a million different things to keep him from getting distracted by all the shiny objects grouped together around you. It's pretty hard, considering that usually when you're able to take part in conversations, you're the one who gets asked the questions. "So what was your maze like, Seazh?" Thank god. You can finally give your brain a rest. You're about to describe it when you come up on another wooden door. You look at each other before you step forward and open it. It's full of mirrors, the walls themselves being a shiny red.

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