Chap 6

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After the puzzle, everyone decided to just hang out and play with the various toys and other miscellaneous items scattered throughout the tent. Ragatha and Zooble were holding a jump rope, cheering on Kinger as he struggled to jump in his mantle. Gangle was trying and struggling to hula hoop, Pomni was trying to build something with giant building blocks, and you were playing hackey sack with a random bean bag you found. You had brought your music box and was playing chill tunes for everyone to enjoy while they played, Jax's absence lightening everyone's mood greatly.
After a short while you decided to hula hoop with Gangle, before helping Pomni with the blocks. You couldn't just stick with one activity for long. Your mind always went back to him. You couldn't stop feeling guilty in the back of your mind. He wasn't being hurt, it was just solitary confinement for a couple days. Besides, you finally managed to get him back for being such a tease when he knew how much you utterly hated it. You were giving everyone else a break from that rabbit, and you were sure they were thankful. Do you have OCD? (I do). Because these very intrusive thoughts kept coming back time and time again. You don't care where he is. You don't want to know what he's doing. You aren't going to go see him when he gets freed to check up on him. You're glad he's gone. Keep telling yourself that.
Wow, you didn't realize how powerful an effect Jax had on the status quo. You look up from your current activity when you notice the music stopped. "It's okay, guys, I'll get it running again!" You dash over to where you had set the box but.. it's gone. You lift up the bags of circus equipment just to make sure they weren't crushing it, but it was nowhere to be seen. You start second guessing yourself and begin racing all over the tent, wondering if you had moved it to be able to reach a toy and had absentmindedly laid it atop something. Every box, bag and rainbow wig did not go unturned. You begin panicking. Caine had said that box was very, very difficult to obtain. Ok, then why does everyone else have one? Remember how I said everyone is eternally grateful you played a major role in giving them the power to create song? Well, it's true that everyone has a music box.. well, everyone but Zooble and Pomni. Kinger, Rags, Jax, the aforementioned unnamed abstracted character from chapter one, Gangle, Kaufmo, and of course, you, all had them. Gangle had been handed down the music box of that unnamed player after their abstraction. Said unnamed person was the last player to be gifted a new music box, for unspecified reasons. So Gangle, appearing shortly before Zooble, had gotten it. Does that make sense? But here's the catch; those music boxes had limited memory. Kinger and Ragatha had used up all the memory in their boxes, meaning they could no longer think of a new tune to add to it. If they tried, it just sent the bubbles scattering all around.
They could, however, play the previously created songs as they wished. They simply tapped the box twice then continued to tap until the bubbles played the song they wanted. Think of a.. weird music library shuffle. Kinger greatly enjoyed quickly tapping the box, amusing himself by watching the bubbles bounce to and fro in all directions as they struggled to keep up with his demands. Poor Gangle, however, didn't have any unused memory in her music box, so she could not make music of her own. She did enjoy listening to what the previous owner had thought up, however. But your box, as you know, is "magiiic" just like your room! 🪄 You are able to store as many songs as you want, play them with ease, and even communicate with the bubbles inside through wording, or at least that's what it seemed like. Between you and me, your box was the prettiest. Your box was different. Your room was different (it's the prettiest too, don't lie). The way you interacted with others was even different; you often felt robotic in the tone you talked and you may have been ok at hiding it but felt tense every time someone was around, especially...

     "Seazh, did you find it?" Pomni asked running up to you. You had all torn apart the room looking for your box with no luck. You just shake your head as you frantically look for any place left unchecked. "..maybe it's in your room?" She asked with little hope. Everyone knew you hadn't left the tent but you figured it'd be worth a shot. The only other solution, that you're surprised didn't come sooner, would be that Jax stole it. But Jax couldn't have stolen it. He's locked away, remember? "Uh, I can come with you and help you look, Seazh!" Gangle stood up and began walking toward you but awkwardly stopped and put her hand down. You turn to look at her. She suddenly remembered how you don't really want any of them seeing your room. "Uh. On second thought, maybe I'll just.. stay here and.." she mumbled something as you thought about letting her come with you. You didn't want to hurt her feelings but you had already been frozen so long it was incredibly awkward so you go ahead and make your way there alone.
You decide to take your time. You really don't want to look in the room at all if you're just going to leave empty handed. Ohh, what will Caine do if he finds out you lost your blessed music box... he's probably already in a crummy mood because of Jax and you don't want to be trapped wherever he is, especially if he would be your cell mate. You take your time as you walk down the long hall, looking at every picture and every detail of their frames. You come across the newest "puzzling" addition and laugh at the memory. You then recast your eyes to the floor, hands folded neatly in front of you. It wasn't because you were nervous, you just always did this. It had become a sort of... habit. You're pretty sure your awkwardness just caused you to learn to walk like this as a baby. Your hands can't make any funny movements and you don't have to make eye contact. Perfect. It's sort of a comfort thing, by now. The sweet music that painted the atmosphere in a perfect coat of serenity also helped you to remain calm. Still, Caine's all-seeing eyes and the eyes found in so many off-putting places like the pictures were deeply upsetting. Not so much now since you've been here so long, and here's why; you were almost a hundred percent certain Caine wasn't actually spying on you at all times. There had been many important events he missed, as well as times people had gotten hurt and it took him too long to show up and fix the problem. Take the most recent example; if Caine was watching your every move, why didn't he rush back to put Kaufmo in the pit and fix Ragatha? I mean, there is a slight possibility he's just pure evil deep down and enjoys watching the sufferer suffer for a while before he swoops in and saves the day, but who can ever truly know someone else's motives? But in all your years of being here, you had not once caught Caine putting his players in danger just for the sake of a good laugh. You could easily overthink this, but decide to remain calm as you continue at a slow pace. Back up. Did you get that? Where's that music coming from? Cliffhanger. I think we've talked about Seazh enough just for this chapter. Aren't you curious to know just what Jax has been up to since being stuck all by himself? And better yet, where he is?

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