Chap 12

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A/N 1: *sigh I just realized Jax doesn't have "pockets" but one pocket on the front of his overalls. 🤗 I love 💕 overthinking. As always, I appreciate everyone's patience and once again, if you get a notification that I've updated and you click on it and there is no new chapter, please forgive me. Every time I update it seems to republish an old chapter but just know that's me working on the story and it is one step closer to being actually published. 😁 It keeps wanting to hit the completed button too for some reason. I promise you this book is far from being completed so if you ever see it marked as so please ignore. Also, I have your couple's theme song already picked out (idk if I've said this yet or not). I'm not going to be giving time frames as to when the new chapters will be ready. It's taking me longer than anticipated to write each one but just know I try to update as much as I can! I'm also trying to add in more paragraphs in my chapters due to a couple requests. It's just some things seem kind of awkward when I space them apart, so I feel it best to keep them together, but I'm definitely trying to write different aspects of each chapter separately so I hope it's okay! 😊

     You thankfully awake to the sunrise, still in your room, alone. Your mind wants to lay in bed all day, not wanting to face Jax. You didn't feel like taking the chance of seeing him seethe with rage at the sight of you or cut off all communication from you if you pushed past your boundaries, but you had to work towards making sure he forgave you. You really did put your heart into that apology. It was a bit rushed, but you weren't expecting him to even be freed for another two days!

You put on a few songs as you sit up and rest your head in your hands. You look at the bubbles dancing around, picking up the box and pondering over them. Could you call them Bleebles? Blubbles? SingSongs? It's then that you hear arguing outside your door. You creep closer and lean against it; sounds like Kinger and... Zooble? You can't hear exactly what they're fighting over except a few muffled words here and there. Crystal lamp...light was pretty...go back. He must be wanting to see your room again. Why's everyone so obsessed with your room? You snatch open the door with an annoyed expression as Zooble quickly brought a hand up to Kinger's mouth. Unfortunately it was their clawed hand and they weren't able to stop Kinger's rambling. "Seazh, I didn't want to bother you last night since it was so late, I don't know what kind of lamp you have but it just gave off the most brilliant heavenly aura! Can I see your room again?" You step outside and briskly shut the door with an unimpressed look on your face. "Kinger, you know Seazh isn't comfortable with-" "PRETTY PLEASEE?" He is now kneeling before you with his hands folded. You just give an angry sigh. "Why is everyone so obsessed with my room all of the sudden?!" You move past Kinger and begin making your way down the hall. "But-" "AH." You put a hand up for Kinger to stop crawling after you. "I-" "NO." He continues after you, Zooble just crossing their arms and watching the scene unfold. "No, Kinger! Bad Kinger! STAY." You point a scolding finger at him as he whines a little standing up. You mutter to yourself angrily as you speed down the rest of the hall and turn to the right.

     You lean against the wall that's finally been repaired as you look down at the miscellany below. You sigh in annoyance, knowing you need to go on a walk or do something to remove the anger from your mind. Kinger doesn't deserve to have you angry at him. After all, he was just curious, but you can't help but feel the only reason anyone's coming around anymore is to see your room (or ship you with a certain someone). Your eyes widen as they scan across the red frame leading to the hall of doors on the other side. You'd love to go back and venture through some of those rooms, your interest having been piqued. Plus, it'd be a great way to procrastinate talking to Jax.

You smile and quickly make your way down the stairs and over to the red frame. You look around to make sure nobody's followed you as you walk up to the first door. You debate if this is actually the best way to spend your day, but considering the alternative, you fling open the door to reveal the spiral from before. Jax needs a little while to calm down and regather his thoughts as well, anyway. Chances are he won't even remember being sent off once the pranks start back up. You'll catch him in a good mood, ask for forgiveness again, and everything will be fixed! You've never known Jax to stay angry at someone for too long, and even then it never extends to more than a cold glare and a couple of huffs, maybe a slight shove here and there.

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