Chap 9

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A/N before the (once again short) chapter this time. Because what comes at the end of this chapter is VERRRY important so make sure to read all the way through! Also the music video for this chapter will be at the end, instead. I unfortunately seem to have come down with something which seems to be nothing more than a small bug right now, so that means I get to chill and write for the next few days like I was gonna do anything else anyway ✍️. Sooo expect a good amount of chapters in the upcoming week? I will be taking my time though because there's a LOT of things I'm trying to work in into the right place. Unless something crazy happens and I have to get hospitalized 😶. I will be rolling underground somewhere before I just up and stop this book. And my guys, gals and non-binary pals we have made it to #10 in the tag Glitch. That is just *amazing. TYSM! ❤️ Also, is that some foreshadowing I smell?

"...I'm sorry." Those two words were all that needed to be spoken. The two sat at the end of the vegetated cliff. Some crying had been done as well as plentiful amounts of self shame. "No, no.. it's.. not your fault. It's mine." The two lock eyes, comfortably, as they seemed to come to a shared level of understanding. They had both hurt each other. One for their own selfish reasons and the other out of fearfulness. Actually, under the surface, both reasons rang true for both of them. After all, they were both human, fully capable and sometimes forced to feel emotions. Anger and sadness, worry, hatred, doubt. "I can't do this!" The first one suddenly hid their face with their hands, trying to fight back even more tears from their burning eyes. "Hey, shhh, it's okay, look at me." The other said wrapping an arm around their back, pulling them close and gently prying their hands away. "You can." The other now had even more tears. "We're both mortified." They gave a shaky smile as they tried to calm them. "I know." The first gave a sympathetic, shaky smile in return and leaned their head on the other's shoulder, soaking it with tears. "Do you think we'll be able to make it?" "All we can do is hope." The other tightly wrapped their arms around them, hugging them for what felt like peaceful eternity. Time stood still, but just for them. A seemingly perfect moment is made even better when the other pressed their lips atop the firsts' forehead, causing a surprised "oh" to ring out as the crying became mixed with nervous yet relieved laughter as they clung even tighter to them. The first decided to be bold next as they suddenly grabbed the sides of the other's face, looking them straight in the eye from such a short distance. Why didn't they just go ahead and smash their lips into theirs instead of waiting those very long seconds? Neither of them knew but that's exactly what happened next. As the two intertwined their lips, they intertwined fingers on one hand as well. The first's other hand moving around to pull the other closer from behind, and the other's hand reaching to gently caress the first's face. No matter what was going on around them, what the others were doing, or where they were, they were determined to let nothing ruin this moment. The kiss became deeper and sweeter as the seconds ticked on around them, giving both of them something they had yearned for for far too long. After a dip, a tight squeeze, and finally opening their eyes, one gave another a smile, still teary eyed. "Everything's going to be okay. I promise."

Jax awoke with a scream, having to feel over his body and the white wall he was leaned up against as he was awoken from slumber. That dream had filled him with fear for multiple reasons. It took him a solid two minutes to regain control of himself and steady his breathing, focusing his vision on the blank color that surrounded him. He felt a strong mixture of fear, disappointment, confusion and relief as he realized nothing about his current situation had changed. He then felt angry mostly at himself for having that dream? What was the point of it?! Why?! Then he loudly shrieks again as he notices a wild Caine has appeared.

At the exact same time, you were woken up not only by your dream, but a rampant knocking at your door. You must have fallen asleep sometime before sunrise, because it's now a bright day. You look over and rush out of bed, opening it to see Gangle with a cheeky smile on her face, holding two piping hot cups of cider. "Come on, Seazh, we have a lot of planning to do." Before she grabs your hand and pulls you outside, not even giving you a chance to close your door.

There's a taste of what's to come, you thirsty readers. 🤨 get rickrolled in 2023. Too much? I'm sorry.

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