Chap 4

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     You wake up the next morning frozen in fear. It didn't take you long to take in your surroundings. They're the same ones you've seen every morning for years on end, and often times for days and days at a time. Actually, no. They're not the same ones you see every day. The walls of your room have shifted from a midnight scheme to one of more vibrancy, like they always do in correspondence with the changing day to night sky outside. This makes it impossible to sleep later than sunrise, but the walls in your room are unique- you get to see sunrises and sunsets. Beautiful hues from every color of the rainbow that fade into the familiar blue color. This morning your walls are beautifully layered with neon orange, lemon yellow, sea green and bright blue with tangerine clouds scattered throughout. You still feel terribly exhausted despite getting a pretty lengthy nap, and you'd love to sleep a little longer if these bright colors weren't coming at you from every angle. What's better is the iridescent glass furniture that lightly refracts and reflects the colors of the walls behind them. You look all around on you, your bed, and your floor as fragments of light comparable to the shattered remains of a gem dance all around the room in slow synchronization. You stop to take in the beauty of the new day in an attempt to calm down your nerves from your recent... nightmare? You raise a hand to see it is shaking so violently you'd think it was glitching if you didn't know any better. You rarely felt fear in this world. That experience with Kaufmo yesterday must have shaken you up pretty well. You haven't had a nightmare since living here, not that you recall, and since you don't remember any from your previous life this was something entirely foreign.

Terrifying.. so much so you feel yourself crying a little as you try to ease your shaking. What was your nightmare about? A rabbit.. not one that looked like Jax.. but a realistic rabbit, painted on a canvas, with almost twenty eyes strewn over its head. And it was staring at you. It wanted to hurt you. Torture you. You know it did. Something about this image that was stuck in your mind just... disturbed you. You almost wanted to look under all your furniture to make sure you were really alone, but it would be pointless as all of your furniture was already see-through to some degree. You lean back and try to contemplate this on a practical level. The multiple eyes facet probably came from Kaufmo's abstracted form, and the rabbit was that long eared Joker tormenting you in your dreams. It all made sense. Still, you were very shaken up and decided you may go a few days without sleeping just to prevent another one from happening any time soon. Maybe once you get Jax off your back you'll feel more relaxed. You stay in bed for quite a while, thinking there's really no point in you getting up if today's going to be a repeat of yesterday. You cannot handle any more abstractions or parties today, but you're also too shaken up to sleep now, so you just close your eyes as you rest on your headboard. You swear you can feel the imaginary breeze gently blowing on your face as it ushers in the orange clouds. You then stand up and do some stretches before figuring out how to use your day. Your mind is finally cleared when you remember something. You reach into your pocket and pull out the funny picture you took of Jax. You snicker and tack it to your wall. Oh yeah. You have to go get on his nerves today.

      You don't have hair that you need to worry about brushing (unless you want to insert your oc and they do have hair than feel free to change things about your appearance as you please. This also includes the gloves. I don't think the appearance of Seazh is going to have too much of an impact on the story. The name, maybe a little. It will become clear as the story goes on) and your clothes never become soiled so you're ready to start your day! You happily burst open your door and take a sharp turn to your right when you feel a hand on your shoulder. Who do you think it is? 🤡 "Goin somewhere?" Came that suave voice. You take a deep breath before turning around with a slightly annoyed face. "All I want is a good morning, princess." He looked at you expectantly. You smile widely and put a hand on his arm. "Good morning, princess." You say enthusiastically as you turn and continue your walk. "Hey. HEY!" He runs after you and follows you down to the main entrance. (I'M SO SOrry if you're a guy but this came to me and I had to write it so if you're a dude/nb consider this a condescending compliment from Jax to you). As you're walking down to the main entrance Jax wraps his arm over your shoulder, holding you tighter than usual, as he begins asking you how you slept. You would like to tell him about the nightmare, but for fear of him laughing at you for being so scared you just say "it was fine." Why didn't you immediately break away from his grasp as you were walking? Well he kind of made it impossible by how close he had you, plus it felt kind of nice to be cradled after that dream... you'd never admit this though. You'd rather have Bubble bite off your ear.
You finally walk down to the main entrance to see the adventure for today has already begun. It looked like everyone was trying to put together this giant puzzle. Obviously, Zooble was making the most progress, Pomni not too far behind. Are puzzles boring? I don't really care for them but everyone's different. Maybe you love puzzles, and that's okay, but for this story, you don't really think this is all too interesting. "Snooze fest. Cmon Sweetheart, let's go find something important to screw around with." Jax said as he grabbed your hand and tried to pull you away. Actually, this puzzle suddenly became the most interesting thing to date. "But, Jax, I think it looks fun! I really, reeeally want to help put it together! Will you stay and help? PWEAASE?" You enlarge your pupils and put your hands together, leaning up against his shoulder as you turn up to look at him. "Wha- Seazh, no way! Cmon, babe, you're joshing me.." he tries once again to pull you away but you don't budge. "But, Jax, I thought you liked me! You think I'm.. stupid, because I like puzzles?" Here come the pretend waterworks. For the plot convenience alone you are amazing at fake crying. "What?! What's wrong? Seazh, what's going on?" Ragatha asks as she's the first to run over. "Seazh, are you okay? Why are you crying?" She asks very concerned. "Did you have something to do with this? Don't bother answering you, sick {~^%." Zooble said in a threatening manner to Jax as they immediately tried grabbing him with the arm they took off and was using as an extension. "He's making fun of me for wanting to do the puzzle!" You yell out as you begin whining. "I don't have the approval of this one person I thought really cared for me and now I just feel myself spiraling again. It's-its-.." you begin choking as Kinger rushes to your side and begins hugging you and trying to calm you down. "Uhh, soft pillows, kitty cats, hot cocoa, sun rays, toenail clippings.." Kinger tried to list off a random assortment of words he thought would be calming.
Your shyness and like qualities had made it very easy to get everyone on your side, and though you didn't like being the center of attention, it was worth it to see Jax stuttering as he was being confronted from all sides both physically and verbally. You also felt bad for abusing everyone's siding with you, but your plan was working perfectly. At least you weren't just staying inside your room doing nothing today...

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