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Mijako boldly strode into the dimly lit strip club on her day off, accompanied by her boisterous siblings who couldn't contain their excitement about the irresistible offer they had presented to Siraj.

Her father had relentlessly pushed her to seal the deal by promising Siraj anything he desired – and she knew all too well that meant surrendering herself to him. In all honesty, she wasn't opposed to playing this dangerous game; her desire for him was equally intense.

"Seal the deal, Mija. You know how we operate – either silky smooth or rough and rugged, taking control of this wicked little den," Bishop sneered, flicking the toothpick between his teeth.

"Isn't that right? The girl's been hiding for far too long; it's time for her to step up and reveal her true nature," Kissani laughed maliciously while applying a thick coat of glittering lip gloss onto her enticing lips.

"No pressure, Mija," Lola murmured softly, "Just weave your magic like always, little sis. Unleash that captivating allure of yours." She tenderly brushed her fingers through Mijako's luxurious locks.

"Now let me be clear," Mijako declared fiercely, her eyes blazing with resolve, "If I bring him in, you have to promise me that he remains untouched. Understand? He's a solid guy, well-regarded on these streets and all about his business. Don't even entertain the idea of betraying him along the way."

"Whatever it takes to get things done," Bishop exclaimed, forcefully pulling Lola and Kissani into a shadowy booth nearby. The club's pounding bass reverberated around them as they became enraptured by the magnetic performance of the dancers. Simultaneously, Mijako slipped into the crowd, maneuvering purposefully through the throngs of people in search of Siraj.

Mijako spotted Siraj near the bar, boldly attempting to captivate a girl with his charm. Astonishment washed over her as she considered the tender whispers and affectionate confessions he had bestowed upon her just hours prior. Suppressing her emotions, she reminded herself that their mission must come first and her feelings could be put on hold.

Approaching closely, Mijako positioned herself beside them, her perceptive gaze lingering on their every interaction. Siraj appeared entirely unaware of her presence. It was only when she called out assertively to Javon, the bartender, requesting three shots of their finest liquor that Siraj turned to confront her frosty stare.

Before Siraj managed to utter even one word, Mijako raised her hand sharply, halting him mid-sentence as she leaned in to scrutinize the girl who stood boldly before them both. "I strongly advise you to leave because he's entirely worthless to you. But me? I have your best interest by providing this honest warning."

"Ay, you seriously think-" The woman's retort was cut short by Siraj, who swung towards her with icy aggressiveness: "Leave." He turned back to Mijako, a mischievous smile playing across his lips in response to her evident jealousy.

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