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As the clock struck midnight, Mijako found herself succumbing to the irresistible allure of the succubus Aphrodite. Her once clear, focused gaze now clouded with an intoxicating mix of lust and malevolence. As she walked through the dimly-lit alleyway right outside of the strip club, the scent of exhaust and faint whiffs of cigarette smoke swirling in her nostrils, she felt her legs pricking with excitement.

The streetlights flickered as Mijako coiled her sinister intentions around her heart, their soft hum drowned out by the pounding beats of music within the strip club nearby. Fueled by an unquenchable desire to carry out mischief, as instructed by Aphrodite, she sensed her target not far—Siraj's best friend.

Mijako's eyes locked onto his unsuspecting form; he was leaning lazily against the graffiti-strewn brick wall that embraced the squalid alley. With a cigarette dangling precariously between his fingertips, smoke clouded his view but he cannot shield himself from Mijako's sinister approach.

Her long silky hair draped over her figure and slid across her voluptuous form as she began to sway closer whilst transforming herself into a more enticing temptress by adopting alluring eyes and a smile that dripped venomous honey. Slowly closing the distance between them, the darkness enveloped their shadows merging into one dark mass.

Siraj's friend, caught off guard by Mijako's aura of otherworldly sensuality, became allured deeply into a trance. He was helpless against this sultry enchantress before him.

"Look at you," Mijako purred as she stepped even closer. "Alone in an alleyway like this... Do you have any idea how much danger you're in?"

He started to reply hesitantly, but by then it was far too late—Mijako had placed herself squarely before him, her sultry voice now laced with threat and malice. With a quick shove, she forced him back, his head harshly connecting with the hard bricks behind him. Pain surged through his body as he fell to the ground, smoking claret blood oozing from the deep gash on his head.

Without wasting a moment, Mijako kneeled beside him and placed her hand softly on his forehead. Her grin twisted into a daemon's as a wicked spell exerted itself from her fingertips. Siraj's friend was left bound by fear and weakness, choking on his own breath as Mijako whispered words of an ancient enchantment.

He struggled for breath as Mijako's grip tightened, but even in that struggle, he couldn't break free from the intoxicating spell. With each whispered phrase, memories slipped away like sand pouring through clenched fingers—his whole life becoming an amnesiac haze.

Watching surrender consume him whole, Aphrodite felt both pleasure and relief—knowing that not only had she served her appetite, but also managed to divert just enough of her dark power to spare her victim's life... for now.

Siraj turned one final corner and stumbled upon a horrifying scene that would forever be etched into his memory. There, amidst the putrid stench of decaying trash and filth, was Mijako looming over Javon's lifeless form, wearing a demented expression that betrayed her true self. Gone were Mijako's once kind eyes, now replaced by a haunting, lifeless stare that sent shivers down Siraj's spine.

Siraj soaked in the scene before him - Javon lying facedown on the cobblestones in a pool of blood, battered and bruised from Mijako's seemingly relentless assault.

His heart sank seeing his friend so brutally abused. Ribbons of rage emanated through Siraj's veins as he clenched his fists.

Glaring at Mijako, Siraj summoned all his courage and demanded she release her friend from whatever demonic force held her captive. It finally became clear to him that Mijako was not herself, but possessed by a malevolent succubus bent on destruction and chaos.

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