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The laboratory seems to be neater than before. Crystals seem to be more separated by color, no gray crystals remain. Only the sea green and hot pink crystals remain in piles next to each other. In front of the camera, we see the familiar red demon giving a warm smile. However something seems different. They're once fully dark red horns have now become a lighter shade than normal. After a few seconds of silence, Tripmine finally speaks.

"Hello VHS number four, it's Tripmine again... I'm slightly a bit tired from certain things. I will go more into depth with these things later in the tape, today I have a decent chunk of information to share with you! For starters, our volunteers have arrived after 2 weeks of waiting, Woohoo!" Tripmine cheered.

"You mean I got volunteers, you got none" Medkit's voice comes from an unknown part of the lab.

"Oh hush!... but yes, I didn't get any volunteers. I don't blame them though- Like who would want to be tested on with weird toxic crystals, it would make sense for people to volunteer for the healing ones right? Heh!" Tripmine seems to have turned to look at Medkit as he said that, wherever Medkit was.

"This caused an increase in development for the healing crystals! As of now, we have learned not only do they heal, but they cleanse of certain side effects. Side effects similar to the ones the pink crystals have with their poisonous toxins. It seems that the more we learn about these crystals, the better they are!... Now about the pink crystals. Since we haven't had any volunteers who wanted to help with said crystal, I've had to think of an alternate way to test them. So I tested them on lil old me! Same goes for Meddy actually, despite him getting volunteers not many demons had shown up. This resorted into both of us using our respective crystals on ourselves" Tripmine seems to give a small, concerned, look after saying that before he went back to being energetic.

"Now, whoever is watching this must be thinking. Did you not just say those pink crystals are toxic, why in hell would you use them on yourself?! Well, due to the green crystals' very powerful healing and cleansing properties, I'm able to heal myself properly after getting the information I need from the crystal effects. Now I will say, there has been a slight problem with our horns changing color. It seems to be a permanent side effect from using the crystals and injecting fragments of them into my body too much. It doesn't seem to have any harmful lasting effects, thankfully. Oh yeah, the same thing is happening with Meddy."

Tripmine gets up and walks somewhere offscreen, annoyed mumbling and threats could be heard before Tripmine comes back with Medkit, his horns a darker green than before.

"See, his horns have gotten darker, and have become a closer shade of green like the crystals" He said, pulling on Medkits horn.

"Ow- okay are we done now?"

"Yup, bye Meddy!"

More mumbling seems to come from Medkit as he walks away.

"Sorry about him, he's a grouch in the morning, but I think you get the point."

"Now onto the next advancement we've made, combining the crystals with our weapons. Meddy had the glorious idea to use the healing crystals as bullets, while he has no gun within his gear now, we plan to make him one in the future. That way he can sorta shoot demons and heal, kinda misleading if you don't know that the "bullets" aren't bullets and are actually healing crystals. I can imagine a scenario like Meddy says: 'LEt mE hEaL yOu' and then another demon says :'hEal mE? wItH A gUN?!' and then all chaos ensues from there!"

"What the phuck is wrong with you-" Medkit shouts from afar. "I would think I would tell the person that it's a healing gun of some sort wouldn't I?"

"I suppose..."




Suddenly you can see and hear both Tripmine and Medkit's laughter.

"You couldn't have thought of a better scenario than that?"

"Listen, it's just the first thing that came to mind!" Tripmine wheezed.

"Alright sure, whatever"

"Okay, tangents aside... I've found a way to use the toxic crystals as mines themselves. It took me a few tweaks to figure out how to do such, but it worked out pretty well in the end! In fact~"

Tripmine seems to have pulled something out of the table below him, a star shaped crystal now floating in his very hand.

"My new and improved mine! Unlike my other mines, when this explodes it releases its poisonous chemicals with it. This could be good combat wise, and it would definitely catch enemies off-guard with how unique it is. You can't even tell what it can do unless you study about it, which none of the other factions know about it so it's not like they could even if they wanted to. I do still have to be careful near said mines however, I can breath in the same poison meant for enemies if I'm dumb and don't play it safe"

"You're already are dumb"

"Hey, stop commenting if you're not even going to be in the recorder view for more than a minute!"

"It's hard not to comment when I hear everything you say."

"Oh shut up"

"...Off topic, but can we even call you Tripmine anymore?"

"Whadya mean Meddy?"

"I would hardly call that thing a mine anymore, sure it acts like a tripmine but can it truly actually be a tripmine?"

"I guess you're right... but what can I be called then?"

You can hear the two going on back and forth with different name ideas. You can hear them suggesting and shutting down name ideas over and over again until.

"Subspace perhaps?"

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