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The camera turns on, showing a scene of a familiar lab. The workplace with the robots is no longer to be seen. It's the same lab from all the other tapes. The lights are dim, barely noticeable. The only thing giving off a faint glow is a small fire under some sort of vial. You hear bubbling come from whatever is in said vial. Crystals are scattered all around the lab, unorganized. You see a faint silhouette coming towards the camera. Subspace. The closer he comes the more you can see him, he looks tired, exhausted, almost as if he were about to collapse right there and then. His bloodshot eyes have deep bags beneath them. The hoarse voice starts to speak out from him.

"This is VHS number 10..."


"What else can I even say..."


"I suppose... I could start off what happened with the last tape. Me and Medkit are no longer allowed to work on the robots, a higher up forbid us too. I wouldn't dare go against their word but... That had to be the stupidest thing I ever heard coming from their damn mouth. We could have done it, we could have made something incredible. But of course Medkit can't agree on anything, that bastard . They stored our project somewhere for safe keeping, probably in some random outhouse where I can't access it. All of our... no, my hard work for nothing. All because Medkit just couldn't listen. If I had known this was how things would turn out, I would have never asked for help from him in the first place. I would have just kept working on my project alone where he couldn't corrupt it."

"And now I'm stuck!" Subspace chokes out, becoming slightly teary eyed.

"I can only work on the crystals now. I have one volunteer who rarely ever shows up. It's not enough..."

"I'm in so much pain!"

Subspace is now visibly crying, holding up his hand to his face, rubbing his eyes.

"Needle after needle, it hurts more and more. Every time the venom courses through my body. It feels as if every nerve is set ablaze inside on me, burning me alive. Every time I inject it into me, I have to use those damn healing crystals. They heal me on the outside, but I can still feel the singes inside. Then I repeat the process, over and over and OVER AGAIN! I've tried to do other experimentations, using reactants, exploding, breaking, looking, discovering my crystals. Now I'm boiling them..."

"Heh... Hah.. Haha! HAHA!"

Subspace's laughter slowly fades back into sobbing, with him holding onto his head for dear life, looking down below him.

"How much can I postpone the pain? How many other things can I do with the crystals before I have to go back to injecting them into myself? Just to collect some more Data..."

The boiling sound besides Subspace starts to make a gurgling sound, Subspace doesn't seem to even notice.

"Why am I even still here... nobody cares about me enough to even help."

The gurgling gets louder, you can hear small cracks coming from the vial.

"As passionate I am about this project, no one even bats an eye to see how I'm doing."

The cracking gets louder and louder.

"Maybe I should just qu- huh?"

Before Subspace could fully react, The vial explodes, flinging a melted crystal right into his right eye.

Screams fill the lab, Subspace clutching the eye that had been hit, him gasping in and out. Blood mixed with watered down poison was dripping down Subspace's face. Causing more minor burns.

Not before long the door slams open, Medkit rushing into the room.

"What's wrong?! I heard screami-...., to the swords , are you alright?!"

Not even waiting for Subspace to answer, Medkit grabs some of the green crystals on the counter, holding it up near Subspace's eye.



Another demon peers into the room, immediately getting the memo and going off to find help.


Medkit seems to have noticed the recorder being turned on, getting a bandage from his medkit, he bandages Subspace's eye with the crystal along with it. Blood is already seeping through the bandage, but Subspace seems to have calmed down a bit. The healing helped with all the pain in his eye.

Medkit goes toward the camera, turning it off.

"No one should have to see this..."

Subspace's VHS tapes.Where stories live. Discover now