VHS 14

539 18 5

*A little short chapter today. I'll try and make the next one longer!

The scene was filled with a brightly lit lab. Less blueprints were around, a few remaining on the walls. You see Betagraft in front of the recorder, powered off, unmoving. Subspace is pacing around the room with scraps of metal in his hands. Sometimes he would take some parts off of Betagraft, only to put them back on or leaving them off entirely. This goes around for a few minutes until finally Subspace angrily pushes Beta onto the ground. A loud crash fills the room, the recorder view shaking a bit from impact. You watch as the pink demon stomps over, pulling out a chair to sit in front of the recorder.

"Things are not going fine at all!... I will elaborate that in this Vhs tape because I need to vent this to someone who won't take advantage of said emotions and information I'm about to go on about. I should start with the Beta first off. It's not going to work from what it seems. At least with not a bunch of supervision and careful handling. I got it to work a few times off camera, only for it to break down or go rogue on me. The breaking down I should be able to fix, but in return Beta will become more violent. They'll listen to me... sometimes. They seem to know that I made them and they're supposed to serve Blackrock, but if something gets in their way. "

"Either it being some sort of obstacle or something they don't agree with, they go on a rampage unless a full reset is operated on them. It's annoying but I can only expect some problems from the Beta. I will most likely be keeping this model around and under control, since it is still a creation of my being. It's technically my fault the poor thing ended up this way to begin with... Hence I need to make a whole new model. Not that I mind however, since I now know what mistakes I shouldn't make from here on out."

"Speaking of Models and Biografts. They've been going attention! Both good, and bad. The higher ups have seem to acknowledge my existence even further! They told me they were proud to have such a great and creative mind in Blackrock, and are interested in seeing what other projects I can do next! As much as I like like such praise, other..."colleagues" of mine do not like me as much as the higher up's do. As of recent, they've attempted to JUMP me. It was very unexpected and I was fortunately able to get away. The offenders were jailed for attempted assault, as they should be!"

"This experience has kind of made me a bit paranoid though, sooooooooo. I was able to ask for protection with a low discounted price! From what I've heard this demon is some sort of mercenary so something. I forgot his name. Since this is a more personal thing, it's gonna take a while to have everything set up and such for him to constantly be here. Not to mention the fact that he's also asking for a bunch of payments for him doing the dirty work of Blackrock or something. Luckily I'm only needed for small parts, the higher ups do all the other work for me. Thank SFOTH!"

"Other than that, I'm just collecting and gaining other parts for a new and improved robot! Though this tape was short, I hope it was at least informative. I have more work to do now, goodbye!"

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