611 22 4

The lab is filled with sounds of clanging, every now and then you hear a long sigh. Subspace is once again working on the robot from before, looking tired. Medkit also seems to be somewhere in the background. There seems to be a large amount of crystals in front of him, some broken down under microscopes, some having tags roped around them, some being boiled down in a tube, right under a small fire. Medkit looks even more tired than Subspace.
After a while, Subspace looks up from the robot. He gives a tired looking smile before speaking.

"Hello VHS tape 8, it is once again me, Subspace. It's been about 4 weeks since the last tape. Me and Meddy were originally going to have a break today... butttttt the higher up's forgot to move the due date of our progress report. Hence we both have to finish a big chunk of work before our actual break even starts!" Subspace gleefully shouts into the camera.

"Please lower your volume, Subspace" Medkit says from afar.

"Right! Sorry... The robot process has been a struggle. I'm now on my 27th attempt to build this thing, it keeps breaking down right in front of me. So annoying , I could really use some help with this thing seeing as how complex the build is, and the blueprints are hard to understand. Ya know?"

Subspace gives a quick glance at Medkit as he said that. You can hear some mumbling from Medkit, but can't differentiate what he said.


"Meddy over here has been busy with his crystals. Recently he even discovered something that could be life saving. The crystals are able to bring back the dead! In a short period of time where one's life fades, they can be brought back from the dead using a large amount of the healing crystal's power. We figured this out by a certain... accident that occurred earlier yesterday, when a demon had seemingly passed on from a knife wound. As a last attempt, we kept using the crystals on the demon. It took a while but, a beam of light and a circle had formed around the dead demon. It was as if nothing had happened to them in the first place. The wound was gone, only leaving a giant bruise. This was probably one of our biggest discoveries yet to this project. So big that it would surely be able to fill out a progress report. So surely, whoever was making said progress report would be finished by now and help his colleague, and the project they're working on? "

Medkit turns around to look at Subspace, glaring daggers at him. Subspace is staring right back at him.

"I mean, am I wrong?"

"It's not that simple, Subspace"

"But it is, how simple is it to write how it revied the dead?! Hell I might as well had just summed it up for you!"

"I have to write down, In great detail what happened, what components were in the crystals, the intensity of the wound, the setting and other details that are hard to remember with you constantly talking. As well as with all the constant sounds I get from you working on the robot!"

"Well maybe I wouldn't have to work on the robot so much if you would phucking help me with it!"

"I just stated why I couldn't. Trust me when I say I do want to help you. But right now I have other things that I have to take care of. Things within the main project that I have to finish before I can help you with the side project. What part of that do you not understand?"

"I- I don't-!" Subspace tries to speak, but he doesn't seem to know what to say. He gives a sigh "All I want is help, please?..."

"After I'm done writing the report."



"Ya know what, forget it. I'll do the whole fucking thing by myself."

"Wait, what?- Subspace, you can't just-?!"

"I can and I will, I'm the only one working on it. Why should you even bother anyway. You're CLEARLY too busy to work on anything else anyway."

"Subspace, you're being an absolute, idiotic, moron. You know that right?"

"I'd rather be a moron than an asshole! I have to do my fair share of work on the crystals and do all the goddamn work on this stupid robot. Have you ever considered that? Have you?! NO! Of course not, because you're too invested in one piece of the project to the point where you can't even help with other activities anymore!"

"Well this "one part" is important! It's the main part that matters most. The part where if it goes down, this whole project turns into shambles. You act as if I want to keep working on it. I don't. I REALLY DON'T-!"

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