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The room is dimly lit. Scraps of metal are still littered around the lab covered in dark burn marks. Subspace looking even more tired than last time, looks into the camera, his eyes slightly bloodshot and eye bags deeper than they were before. The crystal between his horns giving off its pink hue once more. Subspace speaks in a hoarse voice.

"This is... VHS 6. Off the bat this tape will be more of a rant rather than the informational documentaries I've been making. I don't know how long I can keep doing this project. It's getting tiring... so tiring. There are so many things that are just plummeting downhill. Medkit, the crystal project, testing, the robots who we still don't have a name for. To the SFOTH! Things are not going how they were planned to, instead they're backfiring in the worst ways possible and I don't know if it's even fixable anymore."

Subspace takes a minute to breath for a moment before continuing.

"Medkit and I have been getting into more fights this past week. Simple disagreements are turning into screaming matches. Over what? The usage of the crystals. It's always 'Healing is important, we should make that our first priority! We don't need another war! We shouldn't make the robots so goddamn aggressive!' I'm so sick of hearing the same little words over and over again. I get his point, but would he listen to my reasonings... No-! I just think it's more reasonable to make things to heal. That way not only do we have defenses, but now we know what to focus on healing the robots. I'm not trying to start another war at all! I just think it's good to have weapons for backup if Playground starts to attack us again. Blackrock did not initiate the war, Playground did. People think Blackrock is such a dangerous Faction due to its environment and cultures, but then they fail to see all the other Factions problems. They always put the blame on Blackrock, "bEcAuSe It'S aLwAys ThErE dOiNg, ThErE aLwAys CLoSed OfF sO iT hAs tO bE BlAcKrOcKs fAuLT" Maybe we wouldn't be closed off if you demons would stop giving us a bad name and learn about us!"


"One problem is bad enough, but testing also hasn't been too good either. My one volunteer is not enough, I can't run that many tests in such a short amount of time all on one demon. I've had to return back to testing on myself, it's not fun. Every-time I can feel it burn through my veins, it always hurts so much. If it was not for the healing crystals we have, I don't think I would be sane... Or sain-er. I really am hoping, praying.. begging for some other volunteer to come in. Just why... it doesn't even hurt unless tested for large quantities of time. Why can't they see that? Medkit gets tons of volunteers and I get nearly none... why, why does this have to be so unfair..."

"The Robot project has been going somewhat well, it's becoming more repulsive the more I work on it though. Get a part, screw it together, it fails, repeat the process. I can't find any motivation to work on them. However, If I take a break from the project it means I have to run more crystal tests. This whole thing is just becoming a load of-"

"Subspace? Are you alright? I heard shouting" Medkit says opening the door behind Subspace. The pink demon turns around to look.

"Oh yes I'm fine..."

"Are you sure?"

Subspace gives Medkit a nod. "Well if you say so, you've been here for a while."

Medkit then walks back out of the room. Shutting the door.

"Glad he didn't hear me beforehand, eh? I think that's a sign to end the tape here. See ya!"

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