Epilogue of a Troubled Mercenary

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My footsteps could probably be heard throughout the hallway. Well, less footsteps and more like stomping.

As I get closer toward my bunker, I get out my keycard to open the locked door.

I can see my name and picture shine brightly from the lighting above. In the top left of the keycard, the name "HYPERLASER GUN" in silvery font shimmered. Beside it was a picture of me, with my Helmet on of course. I could see my blue part of my helmet lined with the black visor all in the poor picture quality on the card. I sincerely doubt that we need pictures on the keycards in the first place though. We only need a name, and unless the person has a unique appearance, any facial expression from any other demon would probably be blurred out.

Finally I reach the doorway to my room. The same gray metal door every room had, in the same bland colored hallways of the Blackrock facility. It was an absolute eyesore seeing the same things everyday. Blackrock always had a strict protocol for everything, which is stupid because it leaves us with boring design choices such as this. Was it really that much of a risk to just add some lamps? Or perhaps more appealing wallpaper? I'm sure everyone has grown sick and tired of living here anyways, at least give us some enjoyment.

In the end though, there's nothing we can truly do. If the higher ups say something, we listen to them. Unless we want to be mauled by Subspace's army of Biografts.


That fucking pink prick.

I jam the keycard into the sensor and the door shoots open, I walk inside and throw the stupid thing on the table. I walk to my bedroom, my once angry stomping becoming slow dragging on the tiled floor. Placing my railgun against the wall, I plop onto my bed too tired to change into any pajamas. Despite my aching body, and tired eyes, my mind is still awake, and angry.

It was a terrible day at work, and it's all because of him.


Late afternoon, Subspace had called him over. It was an hour before his shift ended and he really didn't want to deal with the scientist right now, but since his contract states he has to, he goes over to him anyway.

"Alright, I need you to go buy everything on this list, some energy drinks, instant noodles, the b-"

"This is a lot of stuff..."

"No shit! That's why I'm getting you to do it!"

"I don't think I exactly have the time for this right now, I have to go soon and with all the stuff you need. I think It would be better to go pick it up tomorrow."

I watch as the pink scientist gives a sigh and glares at me. His one eye seems to be squinting, along with his eyebrow furrowed.

"Listen here olddy, your shift ends in an hour. Mine ends at 1:am. As much as I'd like to get the stuff on my own, but I'm way too busy. So, go , get, the stuff.

"I can't."


I could feel the air rise with tension, I get the fact that Subspace worked late hours but at the same time I deserve my break too. He could either wait or get it himself. I'm going home on time whether this spoiled asshole likes it or not.


Oh? It seems he finally got the point. That's unexpected, usually he would-

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