VHS 17

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The camera turns on. It shows a much bigger lab than all the others you've seen. The dark gray brick walls lined with small amounts of silver make the white, contrasting, countertops pop. Everything is in place, pink crystals neatly organized to the left, tubes filled with chemicals put on shelves to the right. The only out of place thing you can see are the boxes littered on the floor, supposably Zeta taking things out of their containers and putting them in their assigned placements.

"Make sure you place the blueprints in storage k5 alright?!" Subspace yells from afar off camera. You see the biograft turn around from what they're doing, giving a quick nod of understanding before taking a bunch of blueprints and walking away off screen. "Right, only 15 minutes left..."

You watch as Subspace comes into view of the recorder, with him quickly dragging over a wheely chair and taking a seat.

"VHS 17, or I should say my last tape I can ever make!"


"I was promoted after a few days of releasing the biografts to the higher ups. They were extremely impressed with all my work on both crystals and mechanics that they gave me much gratitude for. What I didn't expect them to do was make me head of Blackrock's Robotic Division! Who knew that my inventions, my own personal work would get me this far. Far enough for them to fire the old guy and make room for me! Even now I'm still baffled and uh- trying to get used to things now. I am considered from this point on a higher up, and hence new schedules are in place for me."

"Schedules with meetings, outward progress, robotic development, crystal searching and so much more! I'm excited to finally be up here and help more. Not be some loser in one of the lower labs rotting away. Now, I will be noticed. Now people will actually hear me out. Now things will finally be okay and how they were planned too. Now I can be myself ya know!? I don't have some grouchy work partner to get in my way, to tell me what I can and can't do! HAHAH! I can be myself with no one holding me back. Unless you counter Hyperlaser, butttttt we don't interact to much thank SFOTH!"

"Now with all progress being said, I am a lot more busy. I don't have much free time lately, only really have a 20 minute break per day- But that's alright! I'm sure i'll enjoy using most of my time on work projects and stuff. Just uh- can't really make VHS tapes anymore when I have a packed schedule. Hell I think I have everyday for the next 3 years planned, and that's if everything goes smoothly! As I'm speaking as of now, I don't have that much time left of my own break right now, and i'd much rather be using this to eat or take a quick nap. SOoooooo, yeah VHS are going bye bye-."



"Though these things do bring me a lot of joy! Being able to rant about my projects and other cases really did help me. Plus it's fun to make a little recording every now and then! Relaxing too! Or maybe that's just me liking to talk. But who cares!"

"Saying this now though, I'm definitely hiding these tapes somewhere. It would be pretty bad if someone besides myself watched these. They could gain leverage, see some pretty graphic stuff. It would probably be a whole lot safer to just put these in a dumpster fire and destroy them, but I don't feel like doing that. Not to mention-"


"TO THE SWORDS! LEARN TO KNOCK ON THE DOOR! Gave me a heart attack!" Subspace quickly speaks out, turning away from the recorder and looking at Zeta.




"As of now....... No, I don't think so"


"Ah, yes. Thank you for the reminder Zeta. You can go back to your charging station. We'll organize the rest of the lab supplies tomorrow."


Zeta once more walks away. Leaving Subspace to be the only one on screen again.

"That seems to be it then, I truly did enjoy my time and making these tapes when I could. But these days I just really don't have the time anymore..."


"Welp! My breaks are about to end! I guess I'll see you never!"

"Goodbye, my last tape."

Subspace's VHS tapes.Where stories live. Discover now