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The right half of the lab was absolutory cluttered. Gears, chunks of metal and work tools were all scattered in an unidentifiable mess. You see a pink demon drastically screwing a bunch of bolts with a wrench into some sort of robot. Suddenly, a gear from the robot flies out of its robotic arm, making the demon give an angered sigh. The demon who you know as Tripmine now turns around to face the recorder, with noticeable eyebags.

"Hello VHS tape number I'm too tired to remember. It is I, Tripmine... or now Subspace I suppose. It's been about a month since the last time I made a tape so I figured I might as well make another one while I'm doing... this-." -Subspace gestures to the robot as he says that.

"Currently I am having some technical difficulties with a certain invention I'm making. The one you see as of now. The higher ups have deemed us "good" for the amount of research me and Medkit have collected for the time being. They have told us to try other... unique experimentations to use the crystals. So after weeks of ideas, planning, suffering and gathering materials, we're here where we are now. Me and Medkit figured it would be a good idea to have a robot use crystals in some way. They can be more proficient and careful when made and coded correctly. The problem I'm having now is what robotic design could be the most useful to us, something too big and bulky could crash into something, too small could mean it could carry less crystals and maybe be harder to code. It's a long and dreadful process, and I've had to drink at least 4 cups of coffee to help me stay awake and finish this... I guess in another way, I started recording to help me stay awake. Can't bother or tease Medkit when he's already asleep!."

Subspace rubs his eyes before speaking once more.

"Speaking of Meddy, me and him are not on the bestest of terms right now. We had a minor disagreement of which robots should be developed first, healing or combat ones. It didn't turn into an argument thankfully, I'm sure we'll both get over it in the morning. I already plan to apologize and I'm sure he'll do the same... But enough sad talk! Another thing that happened was that I FINALLY got a volunteer. It was funny how scared they seemed at first but once all the testing was done they looked dumbfounded. Like, of course it's not going to hurt you too bad, if it was you wouldn't be able to volunteer in the first place! Too bad that I've already done most of the testing on myself! Now I have to deal with having pink horns. I would buy horn dye or something but those things cost 1000 bux at the minimum. Too pricey just for a small packet that probably won't be enough for all of my horns." Subspace angrily remarks.


"But ya know, the pink is actually growing on me. I mean sure it looks dumb but after working on this project for a while, why not let it be a symbol of all my hard work! Oh! There's even a neat trick I can do with the crystals now!"

Subspace then seems to have gotten one of the toxic crystals from another side of the lab while putting on gloves. He holds the crystal right in between his horns. A pink hue glowing around his head. Then he lets go, the crystal staying in place, floating.

"Why do the crystals do this? Who knows! As long as it's not actively touching me I should be okay. Medkit can do the same with his crystals too. Such an interesting occurrence."




Subspace seemingly had dozed off for a moment before rubbing his eyes again.

"Dammit I went on a rant, It's 2:46 am, I better hurry and finish today's work and head to bed... Bye VHS tape!"

Subspace's VHS tapes.Where stories live. Discover now