VHS 16

522 22 12

The camera turns on.

Instead of the pink horns you usually see, they're orange. Biograft stands in the way of the camera, their eyes could be seen constantly turning, adjusting their camera most likely.

Eventually the robot's hands slowly back away from the camera, Biograft turning to look over to another side of the lab. The lab itself is no longer filled to the brim with blueprints and papers as it once was. Everything seems much more organized, tools put in place. Crystals placed together in beacons, neatly placed on the countertops of the lab. Not a smidge of dirt could be seen on the pristine, white, shiny surfaces of the lab.



Pink instantly fills the screen as Subspace walks over, you swear it gets harder to look at him every-time he comes on screen. He seems to be holding something in his arms. "Oh Zeta! Thank you so much!"


"You're special you silly goose!"


"Goose! Now run along and get me part 35 of the helm."


Biograft goes and gets whatever Subspace asked for, disappearing from the camera view.  Subspace looks into the camera, now walking over toward it and taking a seat in front of its view. You can now clearly see what he was holding. Some sort of blue helmet, which makes a big clunk sound as he sets it on the counter top. Its black visor shining from the upper lighting above. Subspace folds his hands and speaks aloud.

"VHS 16! It's been exactly four days since I made the last tape, and I can say that the Biografts are a huge success! The moment I turned off the camera last time I instantly went to the higher ups! They were amazed by my creation. It didn't take more than three hours for them to use my blueprints to make more of my creations! Honestly it was kind of scary to see how quickly they were able to use machinery to mass produce Biografts in such little time-! However I am not going to question a single thing. They liked it, they can do whatever they want with it! All I know is that I'm being promoted very soon! Of course I did have to keep the original, who I named Zeta, because that sounds cool! I had to keep him to myself, I worked on him the most and he's become the most suc-"


Subspace was interrupted from Biograft shoving some machinery in his face.

"Ow- Thank you."


Biograft proceeds to walk away as if nothing had happened.

"I- well? Okay then?"

Subspace takes a few seconds to just space out before suddenly plastering the machine part onto the helmet.

"Uh, helmet! Yeah! I'm making a helmet for the bodyguard person, guy- I'm making this sooner than I thought I would! Because I need protection and stuff. The payment process went quickly as a reward from the Biografts. Though the guy requested I make him a helmet. If I remember correctly, he had a bunch of scars all over his face, and his horns were completely destroyed! I doubt they're growing back with how deeply broken they are... Poor demon - But uh, he said he would further discount the pricing of his service if I made it for him! So win-win! He gets to cover up his mess of a face and I get basically free protection. Woohoo!"


"Oh yeah he also has a huge railgun! It's pretty intimidating now that I think about it. He was a former mercenary, and still is a sniper. I wonder how that would play out if I asked him to skill someone. Like Medkit. I wouldn't mind paying a few more bucks to have that piece of walking, green, shit eating deer dead! Speaking of the bitch! I recently saw him at phight! On screen, on a TV! I'm surprised he's even going to them, with how he's wanted right now. Not the best idea to go to a live event on screen, on air. Guess he got stupider while he was away from blackrock, HAH!. Perhaps I'll join the phights one day just to torment him! But that's going to be WAYYYYYYYY later on. I'm very busy at the moment, with my successes and all! Now then, time to finish the damn helmet!"

It doesn't take long for Subspace to quickly finish the helmet, him cackling in joy as he puts on the last antenna.

"Anyways, I've run out of things to talk about and now it's awkward! Goodbye!

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