Chapter 8 (OLD)

141 10 48

"ℓαɳƭε૨ɳ ૨เƭε ρƭ.2"

Aether's POV:

In the theatre they preformed the three most known historical events of Liyue, these being "The History of the Jade Chamber", "The Formation of the Five Yaksha" and "Morax's descension". The play ended up taking longer than we expected and by the time it finished, it was already one in the afternoon. We left the sight and headed to the middle of town.

"Where do we go next traveler?" - P

"The play of Morax's descension reminded me of something. We should pick some flowers for Zhongli." - A

Paimon first showed me a surprised expression but then smiled and said.

"Sure! Let's do that!" - P

Then we headed for Yujing Terrace where we picked up three Glaze Lilies. Once we were done we headed down the stairs and made our way towards Bubu Pharmacy. As we got closer up the stairs, we spotted Baizhu and we straight walked up to him.

"Hello, is Zhongli accepting visitors at the moment?" - A

"Hello traveler. I'm sorry but he is currently resting and it would be better not to bother him." - B

I looked down at the flowers at the hearing of that. After a few seconds though I raised the flowers that were in my hands slightly and looked up at Baizhu.

"Then could I ask you that once he wakes up... Could you give these to him?" - A

"Of course." - B

Baizhu then reached out his hand and I handed the flowers to him. With that I raised my hand as I turned around and said.

"Thank you, bye!" - A

"Bye!" - B

We then headed back into the city and kept traveling between the many stands that were there. There were stands that made instruments, stands that made it possible to make mora patterned stamps and all sorts of other kind of activities, revolving around Liyue's history. The time passed by faster than our sense of time could have kept up with it and soon it became 6pm. At the time when I realised, we were on the side of the ocean, Paimon flying a kite. I then turned to Paimon and spoke.

"It's 6 pm. I still want to go and decorate a lantern before this whole event is over so let's head back to the stands." - A

Paimon nodded and then pulled the string of the Kite, bringing it down, catching it with her little hands. She loosely wrapped the string around it, making sure it doesn't get tangled but at the same time it's not dragging after them either. We then slowly made our way back to the stands and found the place where two person's presence immediately poked out my eyes, at the lantern decorating stand. It was Xingqiu and Chongyun! We walked up to the stand and sat down, getting materials for decorating our own lanterns, then turned to the two and spoke.

"Hi Xingqiu and Chongyun! How have you been doing?" - P

The two suddenly turned around in shock then spoke with a smile.

"Ah, Traveler and Paimon! Hello there! It's been a while, hasn't it? We've been just fine. What about you?" - X

"Oh we've been just traveling around as usual. Nothing new really." - P

"That's great to hear." - C

Suddenly Xingqiu turned around once again, taking the lantern that was in front of him and Chongyun, suddenly turned back around and showed it in our direction.

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