Chapter 23 (OLD)

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Aether's POV:

I felt like something was a miss. I felt like I was cold, as a bright light began to show it's light through my eyelids, making me uncomfortable. I twisted and turned but to no avail. I was already awake. I slowly arose from my horizontal position and looked around. I noticed that I was in Xiao's room once again, with him missing from my side. I just stretched and got up from bed. I changed into my daily attire and adjusted my hair before going to the door, putting on my boots.

And just like that, all ready, I left the room of Xiao. I felt like I should have a proper meal before I shoot my arrow straight into the day. I so headed downstairs as I untied my hair. Once I arrived to Yanxiao's kitchen I noticed the sight of something truly unexpected.

Xiao and Nahida sat at a table, dining Liyue's one of finest cuisines. If we looked at it from the bottom, I stood on like the 4th step and didn't make my way down before Xiao's and my eyes locked for a quick second. Analyzing from the sidelines nahida brought her gaze from Xiao up to me aswell. I froze, unknowing on what to do in that moment. I felt nervous. Xiao then turned to Nahida and spoke as he carefully stood up.

"Excuse me." - X

With that he stood behind the chair and carefully pushed it under the table, making sure nobody trips over it by accident. Then he started making his way to the stairs and with quick speed he rushed up the stairs, grabbing a hold of my wrist, bringing me up with him. He just kept dragging me until we were out of sight. There he gently grabbed my two hands and left a peck on my lips with his own. He then pulled away and said as he made a small bow with his head, closing his eyes.

"Good morning." - X

Honestly I was startled. So in response I spoke with a bit of a stutter.

"M-Morning." - A

After a bit as I reclaimed my calmness I looked at him and asked.

"What is the god of wisdom doing here?" - A

"She's here for a visit. She wanted to see how I hold up as the new archon." - X

He said but after that it seemed like he wanted to say even more. But instead he just kept his mouth closed and looked to the side with a serious look.

"Something is wrong, did something happen?" - A

I asked as I placed my hand on his shoulder and leaned to the direction his sight was glaring at. He nervously brought his gaze to my face and asked with a nervous voice.

"Do you remember the cave we visited not far from celestia? The seven natural rarities?" - X

I nodded in response.

"Fontaine's natural rarity is the largest waterfall in all of Teyvat, which falls upwards rather than downwards, accompanied by a round lake with many living creatures within it. It is called the waterfall of the Divine. But Nahida told me ever since you'r adventure finished in Fontaine and you left for Natlan, that the lake dried out and the waterfall just vanished. As in Fontaine's natural rarity doesn't exist anymore." - X

I opened my eyes wide and just stared at him for a bit in silence before opening my mouth again.

"How could that be?" - A

"I have no clue, but Nahida and I think that it's either because the hydro archon just simply doesn't exist anymore or there's a reason we cannot figure out." - X

I pondered for a short minute and then asked Xiao after I took my hand off of his shoulder.

"Could I tag along? I want to help if I can." - A

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