Chapter 14 (OLD)

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"ƭɦε ૮σɳƭ૨α૮ƭ"

Aether's POV:

Minutes by minutes, hours by hours have passed with me thinking about my feelings and about the future of my adventure. Eventually after two days I made up my mind and woke up with a confident feeling that morning. I brushed out my hair and then braided it once again. After that I changed my clothes and stretched. With that I headed out my room and went up to the third floor, heading straight for the balcony.

Once I stepped outside I carefully looked around to see if Xiao was anywhere nearby, but he wasn't. I then walked up to the railing and quietly spoke.

"Xiao." - A

Suddenly I felt a quick but slight breeze behind my back and felt as clothing brushed up against my back. I opened my eyes wide and snapped my gaze behind me quickly. Once my eyes noticed that the person who was standing behind me was Xiao, my face was kind of nervous, rather than shocked. He looked into my eyes as well slightly shocked and quickly stepped back a big one.

"You called?" - X

He asked. I then placed my hand on my heart, and the other one behind my waist, bowing slightly in front of him.

"It's been a while, Geo Archon." - A

I said with a slight smile on my face. But for some reason I didn't get an answer so I looked up and then he immediately spoke with a kind of nervous expression.

"Please... Don't show formalities. Just talk to me like you usually do." - X

I quickly stood up back straight and itched the back of my head as a helpless nervous smile took over my face.

"Haha... Understood." - A

"So why have you called me?" - X

Xiao asked immediately after I finished.

"I made up my mind about my feelings and about this... whole subject you brought on last time." - A

Xiao twitched a tiny bit then acted like if nothing happened and just stared at me in his plain expression like if nothing ever happened. I then began talking.

"So... I first of all wanna let you know I am very grateful for that you opened up to me about your feelings. And this was a really hard decision to make since I really have never thought of such matters. But you gave me three days to clear out my mind and think about my feelings. This time was enough for me to reflect on my future and think things through thoroughly." - A

I began walking from left to right slowly and then stopped as I faced him and said.

"And..." - A

Slowly I started walking close to him as I continued.

"Even If once my sister and I reunite for the final time, we may go to another world..." - A

I then stopped in front of him and said with a smile.

"I'll find a way to come back to you from time to time. I'll admit. I do feel affectionate towards you. It was a hard decision mostly cause I didn't know whether you were someone I just thought high of as a friend or wanted to be your lover. So Xiao I came to the conclusion in this two days to accept your confession and return it." - A

Xiao's eyes immediately sparkled up as his cheeks began to tint. He then suddenly grabbed me by the hand and pulled me close, making me wrap my hands around his neck.

"Kiss me to sign this contract as well then." - X

I let out a small giggle before slowly leaning in. At that time he wrapped his hands around my waist and just stayed still until our lips have crashed into each other. He pulled me as close to him as possible as soon as our lips touched that it felt like we were to melt our bodies together. One of his hands slowly headed up on my back as he ended up hiding his fingers in my hair. I felt as my cheeks were getting hotter and same with the places on my body that touched with Xiao's.

We then after a minute pulled away and looked at each other dazed. I placed my hand in front of my lips and looked away.

"Contract sealed." - A

I said as I still couldn't help myself but look away. He gently grabbed my hand I held in front of my lips. He slowly brought it in front of himself and pressured his lips on the back of it, kissing it ever so gently. I first just opened my eyes wide and stared with a tinted cheek but then that shocked expression turned into a wide smile.

812 words!

(A/N: Sorry ya'll short chapter today. Thing is I started out with so many ideas but by the time I got here i just forgot all of them.... so Ascender is going on a hiatus for a short while sorry!)

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