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I had woken up and really questioned if I had wanted to stick to having a perfect attendance record this semester to make up for the weeks I had lost before

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I had woken up and really questioned if I had wanted to stick to having a perfect attendance record this semester to make up for the weeks I had lost before. Getting home at around two in the morning just to wake up at six is something I will never ever want to do again. I looked in the mirror after patting ny face dry and looked over at my make up bag that I haven't touched.
Mascara and lipstick would hurt right?
I zip it open and grab my mascara tube, then my eyeliner when I saw it along with my favorite lipstick. I had even brushed my bangs out and did my usual hair style that I haven't done since I had arrived here.
As I finish up, there's banging on the door that made me jump.
"I'm coming in I need to pee!" Scott tells before the door swings open.
"Woah, what did you do?" He pointed at my face while walking into the bathroom.
"I'm starting tutoring today so I decided to look presentable." Even I didn't believe that.
"I'll heat up a pop tart for you." I grab my makeup bag and close the door behind me as I walk out, going right back into my room.
Melissa had brought home purple bed sheets that I could use but I didn't have the heart to tell her that it wasn't the right size for the bed, so the set is on the floor by my bed. I throw my make up bag onto my nightstand and look down at my old oversized shirt with my high school name on it, the holes in it was something I never really cared about but today- suddenly I was pulling out a long-sleeved, light blue, slim fitted, fake buttoned down sweater with a v neck line that exposed more of my chest, where my necklace that I wear every day laid.
I had instinctively turned to look for my full length mirror but that sadly should be in storage where Jason put some of my old furniture we didn't have time to bring. I'm just gonna have to trust myself. I walk out, grabbing my backpack on the way to the kitchen and I see Melissa with two lunch boxes.
"I never got to do this for you." Her smile was big and bright.
"Wow." I smile as I grab the pink unicorn bedazzled lunch box.
"It's my world famous mom sandwich." Her eyes were wide and she was essentially bouncing with joy.
"You don't work today?" I asked at the fact that she wasn't running out the door to make it on time.
"I work four hours today, so later after school we can go out for dinner maybe have a game night? Go shopping for your room? Anything you want!"
"Ok." I smile and grab a pack of fudge pop tarts I go to grab the toaster but realize it's a new one, instead of the standard two holed one with a timer that didn't work there was a new and polished four slotted toaster.
"Figured it would save You and Scott some time."
I slip Scott's fudge brownies into the two right spots and I grab my strawberry bag and slip two into the left, turning the timer to two minutes.
"So cool." I point at the ticking of the timer while looking back at Melissa.
"Well look at you today! Sweetie you look amazing!" She walks closer to me and her hands go up but she forces them down.
I grab her hand and pull her into a hug.
"Awe." Instantly I regretted the hug as she squeezed the life out of me.
"I have tutoring after school but it's only for an hour."
"Mom release!" Scott walks in to save the day.
She pulls out of the hug, the toaster pops the pop tarts out. I turn and rip a paper towel out, I threw the fudge brownies on it and wrapped it before Scott took it from my hands.
"Hurry!" He throws his bag over his shoulder before he takes his lunchbox from Melissa.
I put one of the strawberry pop tarts in my mouth and I wrap the other in a paper towel and make my way out the front door.
"Bye guys!" Melissa waves as I walk towards the jeep, Scott was standing outside of Stiles' jeep his eyebrows furrowed.
I rip the pop tart out of my mouth and chew the piece I bit off.
"What's up?" My voice muffled as I chew.
"I've been downgraded to the back." His face was dead pan.
I lean forward to look through the window towards Stiles.
"I didn't say that- I just maybe suggested that you know, he let you sit in the front this time." He nervously tapped on the steering wheel.
"Dude." Scott shakes his head disapprovingly as he pulls the front seat up and crawls into the back seat.
I adjust the seat back to its original state and place my bag on the floor of the car before sitting in the seat.
"Strawberry pop tart?" I ask holding out the warm pop tart wrapped in the paper towel.
"Yeah." Stiles takes it from my hand and I close the door, finally able to devour the rest of my pop tart.
Scott leans forwards as the Stiles begins to drive out of the driveway. He glanced at me and then him.
"Something big happened last night." He says suspiciously.
I chewed the pop tart slower and gave a worried look to Stiles but he was too focused on driving with one hand as he munched on his pop tart with his other hand.
"Would you believe me if I saw we found the dead body before we ran out?" Stiles and I's head snapped back at him shocked.
"Yeah it was gross, Allison screamed so a group of cops came running over. That's when we had to leave." He said.
"We sorta got separated for a moment and I got attacked by like a wolf or something but I feel ok." He shrugged.
"Impossible." Stiles and I say in unison.
"What do you mean?" Scott looks confused it's surprising someone can know so little about a town they were born and grew up in.
"I heard a howl." He added.
"No you didn't."
"What do you mean 'no I didn't'  how do you know what I heard?" Scott seemed offended as if we believed his story was made up.
"There are no wolves in California not in like sixty years, right?" Stiles looks over at me for confirmation.
"In 1920's most wolves in California were drove to extinction, there's an estimated number of wolves in the entirety of California and that number is twenty. There are an estimated of under twenty wolves in the entire state of Cali, so the odds that even one- alone is in the tiny town of Beacon hills is pretty slim." I rant.
"But it's not zero so I believe you." I add.
We drive for a while in silence as Scott eats his pop tart ridiculously slow.
"I didn't sleep like at all." Stiles says.
"Thinking about last night?" Scott's face was buried in his phone probably texting Allison.
Stiles smiles and locks eyes with me.

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