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"We are assuming Lydia'a gonna be dead right?" I question, my dress getting dirty from sitting on the floor of the lab

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"We are assuming Lydia'a gonna be dead right?" I question, my dress getting dirty from sitting on the floor of the lab.
"I didn't even think of that." He shook his head.
"Scott wouldn't kill us."
"I'm sure he wouldn't." I agree with him.
"Sel, Scott really cares for you."
"I know that." I nod.
"But if he keeps going down this path of being a huge dick then you are one hundred percent a goner."
"Me?!? What about you?" I scoffed.
"You would mostly likely, like a strong ninety percent would be the first one he kills." I hope he understands he almost clawed him to death when he first was turning.
"I-" he stops and thinks.
"Yeah I believe it."
I was beginning to get tired, as much as I like mysteries and the supernatural, this isn't what I want to spend my time doing. It feels shitty, just being human that is.
"Ah I got a text." Stiles leans closer to me flashing a text.

All good Derek helped, Lydia might be in the hospital wasn't me though. Sorry Stiles

"Derek seems to be more helpful towards Scott especially since his little brother is also in danger."
"Who the hell is Derek?" Stiles pauses and stares at me blankly.
"The guy we thought was the alpha." He reexplains.
"Oh ok then."
"Do you wanna go back? Meet up with them?" He gets up and holds his hand out.
I get ahold of his hand and he pulls me up.
"Yeah. We should probably like leave." I agree with him, fixing my dress.
Without asking, he grabs ahold of my hand again, this time his grip was tight. He pushes the desk out of the way and opens the door.
The music from prom can be heard again as we inched closer to the exit by the gym.
"Hey Sel!" I hear from behind me.
"Heyyy." Chad slurs a bit before putting on a wide grin.
"You spiked the punch?" I questioned.
"I definitely did." He chuckled.
"Im going to Jason's don't-" he cuts himself off by burping.
"Don't worry about me he's got me." He says as a girl follows behind him equally as drunk as him and pulls him back towards the party.
"Ok." I stand there confused because I have never seen Meeks this drunk ever.
I glance at my phone and it's a text from Jason saying the same thing, that he's going to pick Jason up and to not worry.
So that's what I do, Stiles' hand in mine broke me out of a trance I would've been in, I felt like going to Chad and cutting him off, I thought if it but it wasn't for long. My thoughts were replaced by the fact that in less than 24 hours he has a flight back to Nevada and he won't be here everyday.
I look down to watch my step as we walk outside, the parking lot ahead of us.
"I really don't know if Scott is going to meet us." With his free hand he kept glancing down at his phone.
"What do you mean?" My feet were aching in the heals and I started to notice my head pound.
It was getting late and I hated the fact that we were probably going to have to wait for Scott.
My phone buzzes and I look down at the call I'm getting.
"Why-" I stopped and answered the call from Lydia.
"Yeah hey." She answers in a hushed tone.
"Um this weird mysterious hot guy save me from some sort of animal and now I'm in the hospital. Scott feels really bad about it so he stayed with me, but he's been asleep for a while now." She explains, her voice wavering.
"Are you okay? Is anything broken?"
Stiles had tugged in my hand to continue walking.
"Um my arm is scratched which made Scott really freak out. I don't know if he's on something  or what but he started to like rant about werewolves then he started crying and it's been a really long night so I'm just gonna sleep."
"Ok goodnight, I'll call tomorrow."
"Ok." She replies before the call ended.
I look up at Stiles holding the door open for me.
"Scott's staying with Lydia." I informed as I hopped in.
"I figured." He closes the door once I was fully situated.
He gets in and presses the heater on.
"I don't know why I thought that would work." He sighs as cold air blasted through the vents. I sink deeper into his coat. He flicks the ac off quickly.
"Sorry." He starts the car as I snuggle deeper into the seat, lifting my legs up onto the seat.
I got so comfortable that I drifted asleep quickly.
I jolted awake as the cold hit me from the door opening.
"Sorry sorry sorry." Stiles repeats as he rubs my arm.
I groan and lift myself up from the seat. As he helps me get out of the car I look left and right.
"Why are we parked down the road?" Stiles closes the door behind me.
"Melissa isn't a big fan of me at the moment." He gently grabbed my hand and I felt him glance at me more than usual.
I kept looking forwards and at the house, if I make eye contact with him I don't know what I'd do.
We cross the street and walk past a couple houses in silence.
"You're limping." He chuckles while looking down at my heels.
"The house is right the-" he grabs me, his arm under my knees and picks me up.
"Okay." I giggle and stop myself when I realized I couldn't stop smiling.
I wrap my arm around his neck for support as he walks up the front steps of the house.
"You got it?" He asks as I take my keys out of my my small purse.
"Just keep holding me up peasant." I joke as I jiggle the key into the door to unlock it.
He walks me in and kicks the door closed.
"Hey we are here, you can let me down."
"Oh not a chance, we haven't made it to your bed." He bumps my door open and sits me down onto my bed and then kneels onto the floor in front of me.
"Ok well what's all this." He stares at the clasps on my heels.
"Stiles you don't have to." I leaned down but he pushes my hand away.
"The middle of the clasp lift it up and then slide it out." I instruct.
He chuckles and looks up at me as he slides the heel off.
"That's what she said?" I tilt my head as he got the other heel off too.
"Yeah, I'm uh." He stands up from the floor.
"I'm gonna." He reaches down to the end of his shirt and starts unbuttoning it.
"I'd like dinner first," I laughed.
"No im gonna shower, I've been stinky since I thought we were gonna die." He explains.
With each unbutton I followed with my eyes.
"Can you get a towel for me? I don't know where they are." He asked leaving my room.
"Yeah I can do that." I called out as I got up.
I slid his coat off of my shoulders and walk out across the hall and into Scott's room.  I open the drawer and grab a plain shirt and shorts. My hand grabs something cold and I let go of it in the drawer. I reach for the light switch on the wall and did back into the drawer carefully pulling it out. It was a silver bullet with an inscription on it.
"Nope." I shake my head and drop it back in the drawer and closed it.
I walk out and go to the laundry room where the clean towels are stacked in a corner, I grab a random one and walk back over to the bathroom seeing the door creaked open.
My eyes snap to the front door as it opens and I hurried into the bathroom, closing the door.
"Is that Melissa?" Stiles peaks his head out from the curtain as I kept trying to lock the door but the lock has always been broken I don't know why I tried.
"Scott?" Melissa called out.
I toss the clothes onto the sink and slip myself into the shower.
"Oh hey." He smirks but I cover his mouth as the bathroom door opens slightly.
"It's me mom." I call out.
"Scott's at a friend's house." I inform.
"Ok well, I came to drop off groceries before my shift, I'll see you tomorrow night." I hear her voice cheery, as if she was smiling from how I called her mom.
My dress gets soaked as we talked.
"Ok bye!"
The door closes and Stiles sticks his tongue in between my fingers.
"Ew!" I whisper and retract my hand.
"Why are you showering at the coldest setting possible?" Goosebumps spread onto my arms and I watch him turn around and turn the knob.
"I'm a cold showerer." He whispers back.
"Only sociopaths do that."
I notice the soap suds on his shoulders and then it set in that he was completely naked and wet in front of me.
"You know I would've like dinner first." He joked as he boops me in the nose with the soap sud.
"She's gonna hear you." I warned as he holds in a laugh.
"No she's not I swear." He sprinkled water onto my top half that was dry.
"Stiles I'm serious."
He gets close to me and shush's me.
And the distant sound of a car starting up was heard.
"Yeah ok." I grab into his finger that was used to shush me.
"Hey i just realized I was butt ass naked." He said as he placed some distance between us.
"I just realized I've never been in the shower with anyone." I keep my eyes up but I was so very tempted to look at the rest of his body.
I didn't notice my nails digging into the palm of my hand and I relax my hand.
"You can like stay." He smirks and steps closer, the small droplets of water bouncing off of him and onto me again.
"I- you know." I start but I lost every brain cell when he was close enough that our noses touched. I looked down at his lips and then back up at him.
Are we about to kiss right now?
I wish I had blacked out because when he went to lean in I pulled away, and I hated myself for it the second it happened.
Stiles clears his throat and I can clearly see how embarrassed his.
"Sorry I'm gonna just." He points at the shower head and turns around, letting the water run down his bare back.
I reach behind me and find the zipper to my dress and unzip it. I reach down and grab my drenched dress before tossing out.
I placed my hand on his back and he slowly turns.
"Hey I just realized I am also very naked."
Stiles' eyes widened as he forcefully looked only at my face.
"You can kiss me now." I nod.
"Oh now- now I can?" He stutters.
And the. It happened his hand touched my waist and he pulled me closer to him before leaning in to kiss me.

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