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I was in pain, I had woken up again in the cage still soaked in blood

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I was in pain, I had woken up again in the cage still soaked in blood. I look down at Theo whose internal organs were practically pulled out of him.
"Again." I hear a deep voice say.
I was out of breath, I could never relax every muscle in my body was tense, my body stuck in fight or flight.
Theo looks at me, his hand reaching out to me and I grab it.
"It will be over soon." I whisper before grabbing the blood soaked stone and bashing his face in.
I was desensitized to the noise. The squish of every portion of the break ripping apart, the cracks after each bash to his skull.
"Stop." The deep voice said and I placed the rock back to its spot and I backed away to the edge of the cage. The lights shut off and I try to keep my eyes closed. A growling was heard and with the little light from the window in the distance I could see Theo's hand twitch. I heard practically the same noises as earlier but this time his skull fragments were rearranging, trying to mesh back together. His face was arranged back to how it was and the scars that lined up the fractures closed up. He opened his eyes and looked down at his abdomen contents still out of place, still spilled over.
"Go ahead." The voice said.
Theo's eyes looked at me and he sent me a nod and I closed my eyes again. The bones cracking always made me nauseous, but only for a second until til a wolf like creature is standing in front of me tearing my leg to shreds.
At first I was completely ripped apart but by now I'm far too tired. I don't know what was done to me or Theo. All I know is that the girl that was with us never healed, she died and was in cage for a couple days before she disappeared while Theo and I were 'asleep'.
"It's the full moon." The voice speaks again, from what I have heard it was different people instructing us using a voice modifier to try to sound the same. The pain in my leg stops and I open my eyes to a human Theo, my blood dripping from his mouth and his body fully healed.
My bare ass was on the conference floor but I had gotten used to it, my legs were covered in scars but everyday most would fade away. Some days I woke up with an IV in my arm and I felt better after. I don't know how long we've been here but we stopped getting the IVs and food we used to get regularly. We were starved out and weak.
"You may leave." The metal cage door opens and Theo sits up slowly, we both stare at the open door.
"Cmon." His voice was dry and low as if he hadn't spoken in years.
He grabs my arm and pain radiates town to my palm,but everywhere hurts so when I got on my feet I focused on how I hadn't stood up in a while, how my weight fully on my feet felt strange. I start running with Theo, out the only door in the building. Outside of the cage there was nothing but a big empty shed, we run at the door and push it open, it wasn't locked or closed. It was purposely left open for us. My leg became cold and I look down at the still fresh wound throbbing as it moved around, the scratched off skin rejoining at the edges. There was only forest outside and everything looked the same.
Theo trips and falls to the ground and I almost fall with him but grabbed a tree to hold me back.
"Get up, please get up." I say kneeling down to him but his body tensed.
"I can't." He heavily breathed.
"Leave, go." He looks up at me, his eyes glowing a bright yellow.
"Find me." I say and give him a small hug before getting as far away as possible.
I was stabbed by everything on the ground, the rocks and sticks leaving burning cuts on my bare foot. It was pitch black and I ran in the direction of the only star I saw in the sky that night, I wouldn't know anywhere else to go. I don't even know if we are still in Beacon Hills.
I stop and close my eyes, trying to hear what I thought I just heard. A hum of a motor, like a car in the distance. I open my eyes and keep running, pushing myself off of trees as I begin to see a road in the distance. I was loosing ny vision, my breathing started to burn as if I was inhaling fire. I pushed passed the last tree and got into the street, the car way to close and going way to fast to even see me pop out. That's when it hit me, the car. All 206 bones of mine cracked and then uncracked, the car came to a stiffen stop and I got launched into the gravel road. My eyes were open but I saw nothing. I tried to move anything but nothing was moving. I tried to think but then I was completely out of it, I became unconscious.

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