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Of course Stiles has a new partner in chemistry

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Of course Stiles has a new partner in chemistry. Looking around the room I wouldn't know who to sit with. When I was here with Stiles I didn't even notice anyone else in the room. I go and walk up to the teacher.
"Hey, we're do I sit." The teacher looks up at me and is not hiding that he's staring at my black eye.
"With Ian, he's your new lab partner." He said before going back to typing.
I turned around and scanned the room, I made eye contact with a guy one row behind Stiles and they smiled and waved me over. I walked past Stiles's table I felt like I looked good the way his eyes followed me.
"Hey are you Ian?" I ask as I pull out the chair next to him.
"Yeah I'm Derek's little brother."
"Lots of talk about Derek and I've never met him." I sit next to him and drop my bag on the floor beside me.
"Yeah." I smile.
"I'm glad I got to meet you, I've heard a lot about you. I didn't even know we had this class together until you were gone." He explains, he had this energy about him that I liked.
His clothes were basic but clean and matched his shoes. His shirt was short sleeved so his toned arms were showing.
"Yeah I didn't know Derek had a brother at all. Is he as cute as you?" I have no skills in flirting what's so ever.
"If I'm cute then Derek is well handsome I guess." He had a pencil in his hand while talking to me and he was scribbling on the paper.
Stiles turns around and clears his throat loudly.
"This is a Derek free zone, let's not talk about him okay?" He looks at him and then me.
"Ok sure." Ian replies.
When Stiles turned back to face forward Ian and I shared a look.
"I like the name Selena." He pushes his notebook over to me and I see the doodle of the moon with stars surrounding it.
"In Greek its origin means the moon." His brown eyes met mine and, all I wanted to do was kiss him.
Anyone can talk about space with me and boom I'm hooked, it's a big problem.
The late bell rung and the teacher stood up, the class going silent waiting for what we were doing today.
After class Ian gave me his number, i was headed towards Theo's locker, I haven't talked to him since the fight. Since Malia healed right up, we convinced the dean that it was a misunderstanding so we didn't get any repercussions.
"Theo!" I called when I saw him.
He turned around, scrunched his eyebrows and then kept walking.  He stopped at his locker and opened it, I walked slower but I kept going until I was by him.
"Did I do something? Because a lot of people are not a fan of me so if you also-"
"Why are you wearing that?" he looked at me disgusted, as if this wasn't the most basic dress.
"It's my birthday." My voice was low.
"Hm. It doesn't suit you." He shakes his head.
"Ah okay well." I didn't know what to say so I stood there stupidly as he closed his locker and walked away.
I felt like rotting again, I started missing my bed and my pillow. I stepped back and went throughout the day, I felt like a walking corpse.
When it came time for lacrosse the team had to run laps. I was filling up the large orange water cooler with water. I had turned the knob of the water fountain out so that it could shoot out into the cooler. I had changed into the shorts and shirt I keep in my locker for lacrosse.
"I think it's full." I hear a chuckle and I stop pressing the fountain button.
"Shit." I stare at the overflow of water spilling onto the grass.
"I texted you but uh I assumed you were just busy in class." Ian grabbed the lid and helped me put it on back on.
"I may have left my phone at home." I put a hand on my forehead to cover the sun flashing in my eyes.
"Oh are you?" I asked when I finally looked up at Ian and he was in a beacon hills lacrosse uniform, but not the one the team wears.
"Yeah I'm trying out, I heard the team had a cute water girl." He smirked.
He was tall and wasn't that buff but neither is Stiles and he's definitely on the team.
"Water please." I jumped at Stiles holding out an empty cup.
"Stiles, I'll give you water when I put it back out there." I bend down and grab the side of the cooler, Ian grabbing the other side to help.
We walk over to the table by the benches on the field and set it down.
"You think Scott can catch any of my throws?" Ian questions as we watch them practice throwing and catching.
"I think he can." I look up at him.
"I bet he doesn't." He grabs a cup and fills it with water when he saw Stiles already walking up to us essentially hyperventilating.
"Here you go man." He hands the cup to Stiles.
"HALE ON THE FEILD NOW." Coach yells.
"If he doesn't catch any of my throws, we're hanging out later." He leans closer to me to say this.
"Deal." I nod.
My eyes follow him as he jogs out on to the field. I stare at how he daps up the other team mates and as Coach speaks to him he glances over at me.
"Isn't Ian such a cool guy?" Stiles startled me.
"Fuck! Stiles why are you still here?" I had forgotten that he hadn't left yet, he was sitting on the bench beside me.
"Coach benched me- I'm benched." He says very obviously on the bench.
I look back at the field and see Ian put a helmet on and get ready to throw, he fist bumps Scott before he jogs past him and in front of the net.
"I was invited to your dinner." He continues.
"Okay." I reply, but really I was focusing on Ian leaning back to prep for the ball throw.
"Can I bring Malia?" I could feel his eyes on me.
"Oh shit." I gasped as I stand up straight and walk a bit closer.
Ian's throw was so fast but Scott seemed to be just as fast, however the ball flew right through his arms and into the net. It was fined the first time I was just shocked, but then it happened again and again. Scott was getting irritated as the ball seems to slip through his attempts.
"FUCK IT UP IAN!" I cheered once I saw him drop the stick and take his helmet off.

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