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I had slept over at Jason's, which I know he loves me but I wish I had just walked home instead

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I had slept over at Jason's, which I know he loves me but I wish I had just walked home instead. Getting a lecture on being outside so late alone and why I was even out; why I smelled like alcohol. It was all things that I don't even think Melissa would ever notice. Now it is seven in the morning and Jason pried me out of my bedsheet less bed from his place and into the car. We were parked in front of Scott's for a while.
"And it's a school night, were you just going to skip? I mean nadie te está velando?" He continued, my head leaned against the window.
"I know there's so much going on and you like to avoid everything but this is not it." He shakes his head.
"Bell boy sucks." I mumbled.
"Bell boy sucks pues I'll fly out Meeks, you'll forget about that white boy so fast." He nudged me, this made me smile.
Meeks was Jason's nephews best friend who I had grown up with, I would just say my cousins best friend, but I'm not very close with that idiot.
"Meeks could come over for a week or two, he could get you back in track."
"You would not have said this last year." Every time I was with Meeks it was memorable, he kind of just understood me but we definitely annoyed the fuck out of everyone around us.
Meeks was my one and only boyfriend ever but unfortunately we had broken up at the end of middle school. It was a dare. It was a dare to break up with me and that itself was so very silly.
"Homecoming is coming up."
"Ah see I'll talk to him, even ask Melissa if you can sleepover we can watch the new Loki series." He basically giggled at the thought of Loki, it was his favorite superhero but I never knew why.
He seemed like a Thor or Hulk type of guy but nope.
"Ok I'm ready."I sigh and finally pull myself up.
"Get in there and tell Melissa you were at my place and go to school por favor." He pulls me into a hug before I get out of his car.
"Te veo." I wave and make my way up the driveway. I slow down and look back when I hear another car pull up. A blue jeep even, great.
The front door opens and Scott looks at me surprised.
"Hello, s- sist- no I can't."
"It's weird." I nod.
"Anyways gotta go, you coming?" He walks past me with his lacrosse stick.
"No- are you guys friends again?"
He pursed his lips and squinted his eyes at me.
"I definitely apologized last night for being a shit friend but also Allison broke up with me so I needed a ride home." He explains.
"Oh I'm sorry about that." I frown.
Stiles honks his horn to hurry Scott up.
"Aight bye." He says before he jogs to the jeep.
Meeks and I text each other as if we are sending mail back and forth. Our schedules don't normally align so whenever we want to tell each other something we just spam text whatever and when the other is free they respond to literally everything. Right now my phone was blowing up and since I never really get calls are texts, my phone was blowing up during chemistry.

Remember cuando Ellie said she didn't feel like she liked me anymore? Even though we were together the entire last year?

She called me today and started crying and like why the fuck is she crying when she broke up with me? And then she said she never liked me and OUCH I really wanted to hang up on her

And then... Sel she said she was lesbian and she just now realized and everything started to make sense to her

There were plenty of times where I would catch Ellie have that gay panic but since I never knew her like that I ignored it.
"Who are you texting?" Stiles annoyingly taps the counter repeatedly with his pen.
"I'm not texting." I say as I read back all the texts.

" I say as I read back all the texts

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miss you look what I found :)

Jay wants me to come visit, would you want that?

I turn my ringer off and put my phone down, focusing on the set of questions our chem teacher gave the groups to do.
"Class the school wants me to remind you guys that homecoming tickets are on sale, you can buy them during lunch in the front of the cafeteria." The teacher announces.
I finish writing the last answer to the question and keep my eyes from looking over at Stiles. I've been quiet the whole class and just talking when talked to. It's silly that I'm mad because I don't want to be mad. I just hadn't liked a guy in ages and now when I do, I get ditched by them for their elementary crush. I'm embarrassed and I'm mad and honestly I feel like if I even look at his face I'll forget and I'll say some dumb shit.
"Lydia asked me to go to homecoming with her." Every tap of his pen got louder and louder.
"You've had a crush on her for like ever it makes sense you said yes."
"I didn't say yes." He says immediately, this is when I couldn't help but look at him.
"Why not?" I said this almost angrily.
"Because." He pauses and he stops tapping his pen and leans forward in his seat.
"It feels wrong." He stared at me trying to make eye contact but I looked away, looked at anything else.
Did it feel wrong when she was on top of you?
I grabbed the paper that had both of our names on it and stood up to turn it in. I mean we were done I totally wasn't trying to avoid whatever he said.  I sat back in the chair and pulled my phone out, preparing responses for the couple of texts I've missed from Meeks.

Please come! Homecoming is November 18th

Three dots appeared immediately and I smile.

are you asking me to hoco through text?

No, just letting you know because I know you'd enjoy asking me

Perfect I'm gonna need a detailed schedule and I shall plan.

Meeks you gotta match with me



"Would you want to go to homecoming? I mean like are you going?" I had forgotten Stiles was still here.
"I haven't been asked yet." I shrug.
"Yet?" The bell rings and I get up, grabbing my bag at the same time so that I could rush to the cafeteria.
He followed me of course, so I took my headphones out of my bags side pocket and slipped them into my ears to blare music. I see the line to buy tickets and I wait at the end of it.

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