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crime rate went up by 60% in the last three weeks.

BEACON HILLS' crime rate went up by 60% in the last three weeks

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Not being able to sleep is new for me, I love sleeping. I took one too many of my ADHD medicine to stay focused. It's been three weeks without Selena. I've never seen Scott like this but he hasn't left my side since the day, the crime board in front of me wasn't gaining any new information yet I still stared at it waiting for anything new to come in.
"Let's watch the video again." Scott suggested.
"You can't see shit, there's no use." I reply, my grip on the marker got tighter.
"Well maybe-"
"STOP." I yelled then deeply breathed out.
"I've watched it a thousand times, the parking lot security cameras malfunctioned the second she stepped out of the school. We all saw it, it's like a bright light decided to show up in front of the camera it's like." I started tapping the board with my marker.
"It's like." I turn around, looking Scott who was laying in my bed right in the eyes.
"It's like the mugshot." I remembered exactly where I had seen that bright glare.
"What mugshot?" Scott was confused, he hadn't been sleeping either but the difference between us is he wouldn't take the adderall.
I walk over to my drawers and open the top right one, grabbing the Polaroid mugshot I had kept. I flip it and hand it over to Scott.
"Derek?" He was confused.
"It could be him or it could be any other werewolf, we know all the werewolves in the high school and none of them would do this." I raked my mind, for anything.
"We don't know the connections between Selena why she was the first one and the two others that were taken. I mean the other two were werewolves so who would want them and then just take Selena?" I thought out loud so Scott would follow along.
"And Theo Raeken isn't even a werewolf, he's a Chimera." A female voice drew our attention to my bedroom door that was wide open.
"Right yeah." I went to the board that said the same thing, except I began erasing werewolf next to Theo and replacing it with Chimera.

Theo Raeken Chimera
Sel human
Tracey Stewart Kanima/Werewolf

"This can't be the dread doctors again right?l Malia sat by Scott on my bed.
"Zero chance." I reply.
"I want to talk to Derek."
"Stiles, We made a deal." Scott gets up from the bed.
"It's Selena, I don't give a shit about the deal." I said, we have to do anything possible.
"I agree with Stiles." Malia nodded.
Scott looked at her as if she betrayed him.
"I didn't know her but she's your family and you'd do anything for family right?" Malia made sense, she understood the seriousness of this.
Scott had forgotten how it felt to be human, to be so vulnerable and so killable.
I grab my jacket that was on my desk chair and walk out of the room.
"Stiles wait." Scott chases after me.
My jeep needed work, we all know that. I usually wait a bit as it starts up but I instantly backed out of the driveway, Malia and Scott were barely settled into their seats.
Days weren't days for me. It felt like checkpoints. We were at Derek's place, he was there with his serious face.
"No." He closes the doors on us before we even say anything.
"Scott's sister went missing dude cmon!" I call out before pounding on his door again.
He opens the door, this time his little brother Ian behind him.
"Ian could be next." Scott interjected.
He hits the door open and walks away from the door. Malia walked past me and into the house first. We all gathered in his living, sat down on his couch something I'd thought we'd never do.
"There's not gonna be anymore kidnappings. They have what they need." Derek doesn't look at us, he looks down at the coffee table.
"What- what?" I was shocked at what he'd said.
Does this mean he knew this was going to happen? He knows who did this?
"Selena's fine." He read our faces.
"Fine?" Scott sounded angry.
"What the fuck do you mean?" He could beat my ass easy so I say it angrily but not nearly as angry as I wanted to seem.
"Next full moon, I'll help you find her." Derek sounded defeated, there were things he wasn't saying to us and we wanted to know everything.
"May 5th." Ian said as he checked the calendar on his phone.
10 days.
Derek practically kicked us out after, he wouldn't tell us more. He seemed just as angry as us, said he couldn't say more or Ian would probably be targeted. It was silent when we got to my house, I had dropped off Scott at his and Malia had been staying with me. Her hand rubbed my shoulder as I sit on my bed, racking through everything. The more we tried to isolate Selena from everything the more in danger she is. We'd thought if she didn't know how serious everything was, how much danger we had almost been in all these times that it would be better.
"Try to sleep tonight." She whispered, laying down beside me pulling me down with her.
"Scott didn't tell you but, it seems like he was telling the truth. His heart rate never changed, it was steady." She tries to comfort me.

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