That night

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Two girls are at a party talking and drinking with some classmates and one of them says: "I'm going home. I'll see you tomorrow Maddie." Maddie says: "I'll see you tomorrow Lydia." Lydia walks away and finishes her drink quickly. She gets on her bike and goes home. She parks her bike on the sidewalk. She locks it and walks up to her house. She opens the door and goes inside. She goes to her room and takes her phone out of her pocket. She types in a phone number and a girl picks up. The girl says: "Hey Lydia. How's the party?" "Hey Allison. It was fun, but I went home because it got kinda boring. What are you doing right now?" Lydia says while getting ready to go to sleep. Allison says: "I'm reading a book. I'm gonna go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow Lydia." Lydia says: "I'll see you tomorrow Allison." She hangs up.

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