The youngest

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After a bit Allison is done telling Fay about the supernatural and she calls Lydia. Lydia picks up the phone and says: "Hey Allison. Why are you calling? Is Fay okay?" "Yeah, she's fine. She was bleeding and saw my fangs appear." Allison answers. Lydia asks: "What did you do?" Allison says: "She said something about it and I explained why they appeared." "You told her?!" Lydia says angry. Allison says: "It's okay, she isn't scared. She asked immediately if I could make her a vampire. I asked her if she knows what vampires have to do to survive, but she's okay with that." "So you made her a vampire." Lydia says. "I'll tell the others. Come to the forest in a bit and bring Fay. We can go hunting." She hangs up the phone. Lydia texts the others and they all say yes, except Maddie and Teresa. Teresa says that she'll come, but later and Maddie doesn't want to come at all. Lydia grabs her vest with hood and puts it on. She walks outside, gets on her bike, and goes to the forest.

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