New hunter

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Maddie is sitting on her bed and decides that she can't take it anymore. The way vampires stay alive isn't what she wants. She knows she has to drink blood to survive, but she doesn't want to kill anyone. After thinking about it for a while, she knows what she's gonna do next. She's going to find a cure and take the other side. The hunters' side. She turns on her laptop and looks up information about vampires and vampire hunters. She finds a website with a lot of information about vampires. She clicks on it and reads until she finds what she's looking for. How to kill a vampire. She reads the chapter and there's a picture of a wooden stake. It's exactly what she needs. She goes outside to find a stick. She finds a perfect one and takes out her pocket knife. She sharpens the stick until it's sharp enough to kill a vampire. She opens her cabinet and looks for clothes to hunt in. After a bit she finds a great dark outfit. She takes out the outfit, which she can perfectly move in.

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