The betrayal

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Fay is hunting together with Lydia, Allison and Jade in the forest. They found someone to drink from and they're drinking all together. Maddie is hiding behind a tree. She has a wooden stake in her hand, ready to stab Fay. Fay is walking backwards and gets closer to the tree Maddie is hiding behind. When she's close enough, Maddie steps from behind the tree and stabs Fay in her back.

While she stabs Fay, Teresa arrives. "Guys, why didn't you wait for me? I could've compelled her, so you wouldn't have to kill her." she says, but then she sees what's happening. Maddie pushes Fay forwards and she falls on her knees. The others see it happening and when they look up at who stabbed her, they see that it's Maddie. Everyone is frozen for a moment. They can't believe it's Maddie. Teresa yells at Maddie: "Why did you do that?!"

"I'm no longer a vampire. I'm a hunter now." Maddie answers. She has a flashback about what happened when she became human again. Teresa kneels down next to Fay to calm her down, while Jade asks Maddie: "Why? Why would you want to be a hunter?" Maddie says: "Vampires kill people. I couldn't do that anymore." Allison says: "Hunters kill too. They kill vampires." "Yes, but hunters kill killers. Vampires kill innocent people." Maddie says. Lydia says: "That's not true, you guys killed Noah, and what about Josephine? We didn't kill her." "No, you didn't kill her, but you did injure her. And that we killed Noah was an accident." Maddie says. "That you guys killed Noah by accident doesn't mean it is okay!" Lydia screams.

"I know, and you still did hurt Josephine" Maddie says. But she's okay now." Lydia says with a sad and angry voice. Maddie says: "She healed, but the memories are still there." "What about my memories?" Lydia asks. "I watched Jade almost die and I couldn't do anything to save her. Those memories are still here too." "If Allison didn't make all of her friends vampires, Jade wouldn't be almost dead once in the first place!" Maddie shouts. Allison says: "If I didn't make them vampires, in the end one or more of them would've ended up as my target!" After she said that, Teresa stands up.

"Fay is dead." she says sadly. Teresa lays Fay down and closes Fay's eyes. Maddie turns around and runs away, while the others are in shock because of what happened. After a few seconds the others walk to Fay's body and lift her up. They hide it and everyone goes home. Maddie got enough time to run far away and hide so the others can't find her. After a few minutes Maddie goes home too.

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