A sleepover

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They're almost done watching The Hunger Games when Lydia asks: "Do you guys wanna have a sleepover?" Maddie says: "Yeah, I'll text my parents I'm staying over." Allison says: "Sorry, I can't. I have to do a few things at home." Maddie texts her parents while Lydia turns off the TV. Allison goes home and Maddie and Lydia go upstairs to Lydia's room. Lydia asks: "Should I call Teresa? It's more fun with more people." Maddie says: "Call her. It's great if she can come too." Lydia calls Teresa and asks: "Hey Teresa. Can you come over? Maddie and I are having a sleepover at my place and we were wondering if you could come too." Teresa answers: "Sure. I'll be there in a second." Lydia opens a closet and takes out three pajamas. The doorbell rings and Lydia opens the door. Teresa is standing there and Lydia lets her in. They go upstairs and Lydia gives Teresa a pajama and gives Maddie the other one. They all get dressed into their pajamas. Teresa and Maddie lay down on the bed while Lydia get's her laptop from the other room. She lays down in between Teresa and Maddie. Lydia opens her laptop. Maddie says: "Let's watch the Maze Runner." Teresa says: "Good idea." Lydia goes to a movie website and looks up the movie. She clicks on it and they watch the movie.

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