The second

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Kinsey is walking home and on her way home she walks past a forest. She sees a girl standing in front of her. She's standing in the middle of the road. The girl asks: "Kinsey. Why are you walking here at this time of day?" Kinsey answers: "I'm walking home." The girl says: "I'm looking for something, but I can't find it. Will you help me?" Kinsey looks at her phone to see what time it is and says: "Sure. I don't have to be home for another hour. Where did you lose it?" The girl says: "Follow me." She walks into the woods and when they're out of sight from the people walking on the road, she makes her fangs appear and grabs Kinsey. The girl is to strong for Kinsey. She drops Kinsey's body to the floor after she's done drinking her blood.

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