Next day

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It's the next day and Maddie arrives at school. She locks her bike and a few seconds later Lydia, Teresa and Allison arrive too. They lock their bikes. The school bell rings and they walk to their class. After a few classes it's lunch time and Lydia, Teresa and Maddie sit in the aula together. Allison sits with Jade. She's talking with her, but the others can't hear what they're saying. They eat their lunch and when the bell rings Allison walks up to Lydia and says: "Can we talk for a second?" Lydia says: "Sure." They walk a bit away from the others, so that they can't hear them. Allison says: "Jade is a vampire. I wanna make Teresa and Maddie vampires too. Can you get them to the forest after school? And make sure they are wearing their rings." Lydia says: "Sure. I'll get them there." They continue talking about it until they arrive at their class.

The school bell rings and they walk out of their class. Lydia says: "Can you hang out? We can go to the forest." Maddie says: "Sounds fun. I can go." Teresa says: "Yeah, I can hang out too." Allison says: "I'm already hanging out with Jade, so I can't come." They arrive at the bicycle parking and they unlock their bikes. Lydia, Maddie and Teresa cycle to the forest, and Allison waits at the parking for Jade.

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