Kidnapping Josephine

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They hide behind the trees and after a while they see Josephine walking their way. When she's close enough Jade runs from behind her hiding place and grabs Josephine. The others come out of their hiding places too and help Jade. They take Josephine to a shed and tie her up. Josephine yells: "What do you want from me?!" "Your blood." Says Jade. Josephine says: "To do what?" Lydia says: "To do this." and she bites in Josephine's arm. Everyone drinks Josephine's blood. When they're done, Maddie whispers to Josephine: "I'm sorry, I don't want to do this, but I have to." Then Teresa focuses on Josephine and says: "You won't scream for help. You won't draw any attention to yourself. And you won't tell anyone what happened here." They go away and leave Josephine in the shed.

The next day Lydia calls Allison. Allison picks up and says: "Hey Lydia. What's up?" Lydia says: "Can we go to Josephine in a bit?" "Sure." Allison answers. "I'll call Jade and Maddie. Can you call Teresa?" Lydia asks. Allison says: "Of course. I'll text you if she's coming." Lydia hangs up and calls Jade. Jade picks up and Lydia says: "Hey Jade. Me and Allison are going to Josephine in a bit. Wanna come?" Jade says: "I'll be there." She hangs up and Lydia calls Maddie. Maddie picks up and says: "Hey Lydia. Why are you calling?" "We're going to Josephine in a bit. Are you coming too?" Lydia asks. Maddie answers: "Sorry, I can't. I'm busy." Lydia hangs up and gets a text from Allison. It says: Teresa is coming.

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