The Audition

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I woke up early that morning to pick out the perfect outfit for my audition at JYPE. It had always been my dream to become an idol.

"Y/n breakfast is ready!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. I grabbed my clothes and rushed into the bathroom where I showered and got dressed.

I walked down the stairs greeting my mom. "Morning." I smiled.

"Are you excited for today?" She smiled back at me.

"Of course!" I sat down at the table. "Do you think I'll pass?" I was so nervous, I felt sick.

"I'm sure you will." She gave me a reassuring smile. "All that practice will pay off." She laid my plate down.

I didn't eat any of it, I was way too nervous to touch my plate. My stomach was in knots sitting in the car. The entire ride it felt like my head was spinning.

My mom pulled in front of the entrance as I got out of the car. "Don't worry. You'll do amazing." She handed me my bag. I smiled and hugged her one last time before going in.

I walked to the front desk. "Can I help you?"

"I'm here for the auditions." I tapped nervously.

"Take this paper and go to the end of that hall." She pointed. I bowed to thank her.

When I got there my hands were sweating like crazy. What if I'm not good enough? It would be so embarrassing to be eliminated.

I opened the door to be greeted by what looked like a manager. "What's your name?"

"Y/n." I spoke up, handing him the paper.

"Take this name tag and go sit over there." I took my seat with other people around my age.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned around. "Hi, I'm Dongyeon." A boy smiled at me.

"Hi, I'm y/n." I smiled, awkwardly.

"I see on your name tag it says you're 24. We're the same age." He laughed. "I wouldn't be too nervous."

I let out a slight chuckle. "Have you done this before?"

"When I was younger. They said my vocals weren't stable enough. I've been taking lessons ever since." I suddenly felt more nervous.

"How did elimination go?" I was more engaged in the conversation than before.

"It's not too bad, I guess. I wouldn't worry about it." He smiled a bit before the auditions began.

"Each of you will sing, dance, and rap." JYP announced from his table. "One at a time." He shuffled his papers. "Jena, you're first."

A girl stepped up from her seat and in the middle of the floor. "Hi, I'm Jena. I'm 23 years old. My strong suit is singing."

"Start whenever." The room went silent as she belted a song. It was a hard song and a risky choice, but she killed it. "Do you dance or rap?"

"I've been practicing my dancing, but I'm not very good at rap." She fidgeted with her hands. "I prepared a song for dance."

The room went silent again as she danced, it was graceful and there was so much emotion behind it.

"You may take a seat." He shuffled his papers once more. "Next is Dongyeon." I smiled to him as he got up from his seat.

His audition was flawless. His vocals were amazing and the dancing was so precise.

There were many auditions before mine, everyone was so talented. I felt like I didn't deserve to be there.

Right when I was having second thoughts, I heard my name. "Y/n, you're next." I stepped to the middle of the floor.

"Hello, my names y/n. I am 24 years old and my strong suit is rap." I was so nervous.

"Do you dance or sing?" He raised one eyebrow.

"I've been dancing for 3 years and I started vocal lessons two years ago, but I've been rapping since I was 18." I often overworked myself.

"Start whenever." I started off strong with a freestyle rap that I had wrote myself. I then lead into a dance which I had choreographed myself. Finally ending with a song I had wrote myself to show off vocals. "Take a seat."

The rest of the auditions went through until it was time to see who made it.

"Only 5 of you are debuting tonight." There were 15 of us. We all looked around at eachother.

"First, Jena." She sighed with relief. "Second, Dongyeon." All his tension was gone. "Third, Taehyun." We all felt more nervous knowing two of us were making it. "Fourth, Gigi." One more person left. "And last." He paused. "y/n." All my nervousness was gone. "The rest of you are going home tonight."

I watched as the rest of them walked out. Dongyeon ran in front of me. "You did great! Congratulations." He smiled.

"I felt so nervous." I chuckled, nervously.

"The 5 of you are to be back here tomorrow at 10am." JYP handed us a schedule.

As we all left the room, Gigi stopped me. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Gigi. You did amazing in there."

"Thank you." I smiled. "Jena!" I yelled, she turned around. "Your vocals are perfect!" She smiled.

"Thank you! Your rap is awesome!" She clapped to congratulate me.

"Hey man." Taehyun came up behind Dongyeon. "Your vocals are great."

"Your dance was amazing. How do you move like that?" They laughed.

As we parted ways, I hopped into the car. "So how'd it go?"

At first I gave a sad look. "I debuted!" I smiled. My mom hugged me.

"I knew you could do it." She smiled and drove home.

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