On The Move

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"Hey, where's Dad?" I asked Mom.
"Him and Shane are during their sweep, honey. You okay?" She said.
"Yeah, I just wanna talk to him." I said.

I walked off and decided to go and find them. It's the same sweep I used to do with Shane so it should be pretty easy.

After five minutes of walking, I heard their voices in the distance. As I got closer, the voices stopped but I saw Shane pointing his shotgun at something. I looked to see what it was and it was my dad. Dale was right beside Shane. He looked over, I hid and Shane saw Dale.

"What the fuck?" I whispered to myself.

When Shane called out to my dad, I walked back to camp as fast as I could. There's no way Shane would point his gun at my dad. Why? Whatever. It had to have been an accident.

I made it back to camp and took a deep breath. Relaxing myself after what I just saw. I sat beside Carl who was in front of the campfire with everyone else. A few minutes later, Dad, Shane, and Dale got back.

"I've been thinking about Rick's plan. Look, there are no guarantees either way. I'll be the first one to admit that. I've known this man a long time. I trust his instincts. Him and Mason's. I say the most important thing here is we need to stay together. So those of you that agree, we leave first thing in the morning." Shane said.

Dad and I looked at each other and I nodded.


We're all packed and ready to go. We all stood around the cars.

"Now everybody listen up. Those of you with C.B.'s, we're gonna be on channel forty. Let's keep the chatter down, okay? Now you got a problem, don't got a C.B., can't get a signal or anything at all., you're gonna hit your horn one time. That'll stop the caravan. Any questions?" Shane said.
"We're uh... We're not going." Morales said.
"We have family in Birmingham." Morales' wife said.
"You go on your own, you won't have anyone to watch your back." Shane said.
"We'll take the chance. I gotta do what's best for my family." Morales said.

All of the kids said their goodbyes to one another, and after that, we were on the road.


I was in a car with Mom, Dad, Carl, Carol, and Sophia. But after a while, Dale's RV started shutting down so we had to stop. While we eere figuring out what to do next, Jacqui came out from Dale's RV looking worried.

"Y'all, Jim— It's bad. I dont think he can take anymore." Jacqui said and she went back into the RB.
"Hey, Rick, you want to hold down the fort? I'll drive ahead, see what I can bring back." Shane said.
"Yeah, I'll go with you. Watch your back." T-Dog said.

My dad nodded and went into the RV.

"Y'all keep your eyes open now. Mason, come on." Shane said as he walked back towards his car. I didn't follow him, instead I stayed in place.
"You comin?" Shane said as he noticed I hadn't moved.
"I'd rather stay here with Mom and Dad." I said. Shane looked pissed at me but just got into his car with T-Dog and drove off.


Jim decided that he can't bear the ride. He's too weak, so he decided that the best thing to do- the thing he wants to do, is to be left here in the woods. Sat against a tree. Soon after, Shane came back and some of us started talking about what to do with Jim.

"It's what he said he wants." Dad said.
"And he's lucid?" Carol said.
"He seems to be. I would say yes." Dad said.
"Back in the camp when I said Daryl might be right and you shut me down, you misunderstood. I would never go along with callously killing a man. I was gonna suggest that we ask Jim what he wants. And I think we have an answer." Dale said.
"So we just leave him in the middle of nowhere? Dying? Jesus.." I said softly as I put my hand up to my forehead.
"Man, I'm not sure I could live with that." Shane said to Dad.
"It's not your call, either one of you." Mom said.

Dad and Shane grabbed Jim and walked him over to a tree, sitting him down against it. They were talking to him and I looked over at Glenn.

"This is fucked up, right?" Glenn whispered to me.
"Not our choice. A man's gotta be able to choose his own way out." I whispered back.

We all walked off and back into our respective cars.

Jim made his choice. I just hope he gets to die peacefully.

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