When The Dead Come Knocking

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a/n - trigger warning for this chapter. SA mentioned and described.

Mason is tied to a chair in a seperate room from Glenn and Maggie. Merle Dixon dragged his metal prosthetic blade across the table towards him. Maybe he thought that the once scared teen would break easily but, Mason didn't bat an eye.

"You don't even know why you're here, do you? I didn't mean you or your friends no harm. I lowered my gun, but you raised yours. You were an asshole out there, just like your daddy was on that roofrop back there in Atlanta. What y'all did, leaving me up there? People wouldn't do that to an animal." Merle said.
"They went back for you." Mason said.
"Aren't they thoughtful?" Merle said.
"Even I wanted to go too, against my better judgment. My dad, Glenn, Daryl, T-Dog-" Mason said.
"Mm, T-Dog. Yeah, big-ol spear chucker. The one I was pleading with. Mhmm, the one that dropped the key. Tell me where he's at. I'm sure T-Dog would like to bury the hatchet, let bygones be bygones." Merle said.
"He's six feet under, right about now." Mason said.
"Well, I hope he went slow. Yeah. How about the rest? How about my baby brother? You can't tell me he's alive and then hold off on where he is. No?" Merlse said to which Mason didn't answer.
"Well, maybe the farmer's daughter will help me out. Maybe even the asian boy." Merle said which lit a fire in Mason. An anger he's been suppressing.
"You touch either of them and I'll kill you." Mason said with a cold, very matter of fact tone. Merle then put his blade up against Mason's cheek.
"You grew up, kid. You don't scare easy, do you? I like that." Merle said before he slowly cut Mason's cheek, dragging his blade all the way down to his jawline.
"I wanna know where my brother is. I wanna know where your daddy is." Merle said. The moment the knife left his cheek, Mason head butted Merle right in the nose causing him to move back and cry out in pain.

Merle let out a chuckle before head butting and punching Mason across the cheek.

Maggie and Glenn heard the conversation from each of their rooms. Glenn got frustrated for his best friend while Maggie began to tear up.

"Now, I wanna know where they're hiding, where their camp is, and I wanna know now." Merle said punching Mason more in between his demands.


At the prison, an injured Michonne and Rick are staring each other down from either side of the gate. Carl's the one who tells Rick to let her in, so he does and they chain her outside the cell block. Daryl finds Carol locked in a hallway and brings her back to the group.

Beth worries for her boyfriend, thinking he should be back by now.

Rick finds the formula that Glenn, Mason, and Maggie were out looking for with Michonne's things. She tells them that they were taken and tells them about Woodbury.


"I gotta hand it to you. A lot tougher than the kid I used to know. No surprise you lasted this long. Shoot, I figured the way your daddy's Officer Friendly, you would've gotten killed cause of his kindness. Hmm. So tell me, where y'all been at?" Merle said to a beaten up Mason.
"You're pretty stupid to think I'd give them up. It's only a matter of time before they come looking." Mason said as blood mixed with spit spilled out his mouth.
"I'll bake a cake with pink frosting. Would they like that? Ain't nobody coming." Merle said.
"Then I'll just have to kill you myself." Mason said.
"Think I'm in this by myself? Now, when I find y'all by the road, Glenn said you were a straight shot away. A straight shot from where?" Merle said with a sadistic smile.


"How do you know we can trust her?" Oscar asked as the group huddled in the room beside where Hershel was stitching up Michonne.
"This is Mason, Maggie, and Glenn. Why are we even debating?" Beth said in protest.
"We ain't. I'll go after them." Daryl said.
"Well, this place sounds pretty secure. You can't go alone." Rick said.
"I'll go." Beth said.
"Me too." Axel said.
"I'm in." Oscar said.

Rick decided to go, asking Beth and Axel to stay behind. Carl decided on Judith for his new sister's name before Michonne, Daryl, Rick, and Oscar get in a car and start making their way to Woodbury.


Merle left the room, bringing a walker on a leash back a few minutes later.

"Alrighty. I want you to imagine how I felt fighting my way off that roof. One hand, losing blood, walkers chomping down at me every step of the way. Last chance. Where's your group?" Merle said as he held the walker out in front of Mason. He didn't respond.
"Suit yourself." Merle said before letting go of the walker and leaving the room.

As the walker rushed Mason, he stood up with the chair still attached to him, and run backwards. Smashing the chair against the wall and breaking it, he was able to move freely. He grabbed one of the broken wooden chair legs and pushed it right into the walkers eye, killing it.

Mason let out a scream, his anger boiling over.


After a talk with Merle, The Governer decides he's going to go talk to Maggie himself and then Glenn right after.

Maggie sat alone in a dark room before The Governor entered. She knew exactly what was going to happen to her. The Governor tries to get the groups location but all Maggie demans is to see her boyfriend and her friend.

The Governor demands Maggie stands up and takes off her shirt. Maggie refuses but The Governor says if she does not comply, she'll bring a severed hand from Glenn and Mason. So she does as he asks.

The Governor demands more. She complies. The Governor's twisted stare makes Maggie as uncomfortable as can be. His evil intentions pour out, almost palpable, as he begins to undo his own belt and slowly walks over to Maggie. He slams Maggie into the table. Maggie doesn't give away her people's whereabouts.


The group coming from the prison stopped their car a few ways away from Woodbury, going the rest of the way on foot to avoid patrols as night fell.


Mason finds Glenn and frees him from his chair.

"Holy shit. A-are you okay?! Mason, I-" Glenn said, stammering at the sight of his best friend with a beaten up face.
"Shut up, I'm fine. We have to find Maggie so we can get the fuck out of here." Mason said.
"You won't have to look far." Merle said as him and a man with a sub machine gun walked in the room, followed by The Governor holding a topless Maggie by the arm.
Mason and Glenn are about to lunge at either of them but the man with the gun points it at Maggie, causing them to stop. Maggie, Mason, and Glenn all exchange pained glances.

"We're through with games. Now one of you is gonna give up your camp." The Governor said as he pulled out a handgun and pointed it at Glenn. The man with the SMG, pointing it at Mason.
"The prison." Maggie said, not wanting her boyfriend or her friend to get shot.
"The one near Nunez?" Merle said.
"That place is overrun." The Governor said.
"We took it." Maggie said.
"How many are you?" The Governer said.
"Ten. We have ten now." Maggie said.
"Ten people cleared that whole prison of biters? Huh?" The Governer said before he walked back to Maggies side and started caressing and kissing her face. Glenn looked saddened while Mason was angry. The Governer pushed Maggie towards Glenn before him and his men left the room.
"I'm going to fucking kill you." Mason said under his breath to the door.

Maggie cried in Glenn's arms. Mason took off the button up he wore over his tanktop and handed it to Maggie. After she put it on, she cupped his face.

"Oh, Mason. I'm sorry." Maggie said before they exchanged their own hug.

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