Judge, Jury, Executioner

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Dad and Shane had a fight when they were supposed to drop Randall off in some random location but since Randall says he knows Maggie, they came back and locked him in the small barn for the night. The next day a decision had to be made.

"So what you gonna do? We'd all feel better if we new the plan." Mom said.
"Is there a plan?" Andrea said.
"We gonna keep him here?" Glenn said.
"We'll know soon enough." Dad said.

Daryl walked back from the farm after making Randall talk.

"Boy there got a gang, thirty men. They got heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends. They roll through here, our boys are dead. And our women, they're gonna - they're gonna wish they were." Daryl said.
"What did you do?" Carol asked.
"Had a little chat." Daryl said as he walked off.

"No one goes near this guy." Dad said.
"Rick, what are you gonna do?" Mom said.
"He's a threat, right? Just like the guys at the bar. We've gotta eliminate the threat." I said. Dale walked over with a disapproving face.
"You're just gonna kill him?" Dale said.
"It's settled. I'll do it today." Dad said before walking off. Dale followed.


I was looking for Carl when I figured he might be with Shane. When I saw Shane and Andrea talking in front of the barn I walked over. From a distance I saw Carl climbing into the barn from the side.

I ran right over and undid the lock of the barn before storming inside and seeing Randall talking to Carl.

"Get behind me." I said to Carl before I pulled out my knife and held it up to Randall's throat.

"The fuck did you say to him? Hm? What did you say?!" I shouted. Shane and Andrea walked over.
"I catch you talking to him again and I swear to god I will cut your throat right open. Is that what you want? HUH?!" I shouted.
"Mason! Back off, now!" Andrea shouted. 

After a second I put my knife away before turning to Shane.

"Nice job looking after my brother, fuckhead. Instead of trying to get with Andrea, maybe either of you could keep a fucking eye on my kid brother? Come on, Carl. Let's get out of here." I said as I grabbed Carl by the arm and we got out the barn. I turned back and looked at Andrea and Shane.

"You two fucking deserve each other." I said before Carl and I walked off.

"Please don't tell Mom and Dad." Carl begged me.
"Carl. Listen to me, what matters isn't getting in trouble, it's keeping yourself safe. You might have a gun but that doesn't make you safe. I don't want you going back into that barn, alright?" I said and Carl nodded.
"I'm sorry you had to see that. Come on, let's head back." I said.


I was about to walk into the house to go check on Beth when Dale walked up to me.

"Mason?" Dale said as he walked in front of me.
"What's up, Dale? What do you need?" I asked.
"I wanna talk to you about Randall." Dale said.
"Okay. Shoot." I said.
"Killing him is wrong. We have to keep our humanity even if the world we knew is gone." Dale said.
"I don't want to kill him, Dale. I don't want to kill people but if it keeps us all safe, then that's what we have to do." I said.
"You can't possibly believe that. You're just a kid. And so is he." Dale said.
"I know. But I've already got blood on my hands and I'm not going to add someone else's in this group just because we decided to keep Randall around." I said.
"Killing Randall is still blood on your hands." Dale said.
"I'd rather that blood than anyone here." I said as I walked off.

Glenn walked towards the house at the same time I did.

"Yo! What's up, man?" I said.
"Hey. Hershel wanted to talk to me about something." Glenn said.
"Talking to the father of the bride, hm?" I said and Glenn chuckled.
"Maggie's not my bride." Glenn said as we walked inside.
"Not yet." I said.

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