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"Holy shit." Glenn said in a shaky voice as he walks over to the dead body of the man I just killed.
"You good?" I asked Glenn.
"Yeah. " Glenn said as his voice still shook.
"Hershel?" Dad asked as he walked over to my side. Hershel didn't answer but gave my dad a nod.
"Let's do what the kid said and head back." Hershel said. 

I grabbed the shotgun off Tony's dead body and some extra shells from one of his pockets. Glenn grabbed the handgun beside Dave's dead body. The four of us were walking towards the front door when we heard a car.

"Car. Car!" Dad whispered. The four of us rushed to get between or under any windows. At least four men got out of the car as they were calling for Dave and Tony. After a couple of minutes they walked off, searching other places next door.

"Why won't they leave?" Glenn whispered.
"Would you?" Hershel whispered.
"We're sitting ducks in here." I whispered.
"He's right. Let's head out the back and make a run for the car." Dad whispered. Just as we were about to stand up, we heard gunfire so we got right back down. 

The men outside killed some walkers. The last place they had to search was the bar we're in. As they walked to the front door, Glenn slid over and pushed it shut with his back.

"We don't want any trouble! We're just looking for our friends!" The men shouted from outside but none of us said a word. They talked amongst themselves but my dad decided to speak up.

"They drew on us!" Dad shouted. Hershel gave Dad that same death-glare that I had been giving Glenn earlier.
"We're gonna have to fight our way out." I whispered as I got my handgun ready. The footsteps got closer.

"Dave and Tony in there?! They alive?" The men asked from outside.
"No." Dad shouted back.

Some of the men wanted to stay while the others wanted to leave.

"Your buddies drew on us first! We've all lost people but that's the way the world works now and you know that! They gave us no choice! It was just a case of wrong people, wrong-" I shouted back but got interrupted by them shooting the windows on the doors with a shotgun.

Dad and I stood up and began to return fire.

"Make a run for it! Now! GO!" I shouted to Hershel and Glenn. They ran towards the back door but had to take cover and weren't able to make it all the way. The firing stopped for a bit. Dad started reloading his revolver.

"You know people are going to die here! No one stands to gain a thing from this! If you guys just leave us alone, no one else needs to die!" I shouted from my cover.

We heard some bottles shattering from behind the bar. Glenn ran over and slowly walked into the back room of the bar. After a second, we heard a gunshot.

"Glenn!" I shouted as I ran to him.
"I'm alright!" He shouted back.

I got behind cover right next to the back room door. Dad made his way over to Hershel and I.

"Mason and I'll hold 'em here. You cover Glenn. See if you can make it to your car. Tell him- tell him to pull up back. We'll run for it, get the hell out of here." Dad said to Hershel and I. I nodded.
"You want me to cover Glenn?" Hershel said.
"That gun training would've came in handy right about now." I said.
"I know how to shoot. I just don't like to." Hershel said as he walked to Glenn.

A few seconds later we heard gunfire. Dad and I ran over to Hershel.

"What happened?" Dad asked.
"He fired. Must've hit Glenn. He's behind the dumpster. Doesn't look like he's moving." Hershel said and my heart dropped. I grabbed the shotgun that my dad had in his hands and held it up as I slowly walked over to the dumpster.
"Glenn? You broken?" I whispered as I walked slowly.

The New World | The Walking Dead x Male Reader, OCUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum