Better Angels

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I walked back to the house. My eyes wide after everything that happened. And I only wanted to see one person.

"Hey, you." Beth said as she sat up. Her room was dark so she turned on the bedside lamp, then she noticed the blood on my hands and face.
"Hey, hey. Are you okay?" She asked me with a soft voice. I sat in the chair that was right beside her.
"It's Dale, walkers got to him. Damn near gutted him alive." I said, my voice shaking.
"Come on." Beth said as she got up.
"Are you sure you should be up? I-" I said.
"Just come here." Beth said as she walked me to the kitchen. She turned the sink on and pulled my hands under the warm water.
"I had to.. put him down." I said as tears fell down my face.
"I'm really sorry, Mason." Beth said softly as she cleaned my hands and then grabbed a rag to clean my face.
"I let him down, Beth. I... I let him down." I said as more tears fell down my cheeks. Beth wiped my tears but I couldn't stop crying. I rested my head on her shoulder as the tears flowed. She put her hand on my back and on the back of my head.

"It's okay. Let it out." Beth said with a soft, loving voice.


The next day we moved all of our stuff inside the house and had a car facing each door. With winter just around the corner we had to be inside or else we'd freeze our asses off. We also started building a few lookouts around the farm.

Dad decided not to kill Randall. Him, Daryl, and I are supposed to go cut him loose later.

"You can put your things in my room." Beth said as I was moving my bag into the living room.
"With your dad in the house? He'll probably kill me." I said.
"I talked to him. He doesn't like the idea but he said you can if you wanted to. He said you're good for me." Beth said.
"Okay, sure." I said as I followed Beth upstairs into her room.


"Yo! Ready?" I said as I walked over to Daryl and T-Dog who were standing by the truck we were gonna use to drop off Randall.
"As ready as I'll ever be. You seen my gun?" Daryl asked.
"Shit, didn't even know you had one. I've only seen you use that crossbow." I said.
"Take this one." T-Dog said as he held out Dale's gun to him.
"This Dale's?" Daryl asked.
"Can't always have enough arrows." T-Dog said.

Dad left the house and walked over to us.

"You two ready?" He asked.
"Yeah." I said and Daryl nodded.
"I'll go get the package." T-Dog said as he walked off.
"Thank you." Dad said.

"Hopefully this time goes well, huh?" I say to Dad.
"Yeah, hopefully." Dad said.


When T-Dog went to grab Randall he wasn't there. The rest of the group walked over to us, shocked and confused.

"The cuffs are still hooked. He must've slipped them." Dad said.
"Is that possible?" Carol asked.
"If you're okay with having two broken hands." I said.
"The door was secured from the outside, he must've-" Hershel said but Shane started yelling after Dad as he walked out of the forest with a bloody nose and mouth.
"Rick! Rick!" Shane shouted as he walked over to us.
"What happened?!" Mom shouted back.
"He's armed! He's got my gun!" Shane shouted.
"Are you okay?" Carl asked.
"I'm fine. Little bastard just snuck up on me! Clocked me in the face." Shane said.

That tiny fuck Randall was able to get away from Shane? No way. The door was locked and it was the only way out. Something's not right.

"All right, Hershel, T-Dog, get everybody back in the house. Glenn, Daryl, Mason, come with us." Dad ordered. Beth grabbed my arm from behind as everyone started getting their shit together.

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